My Sweetheart

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AN/ HAHAHAHAH the last chapter was like 400 words, you didn't think I'd leave you with just that right??? I'm not that bad :p 

"TELL ME WHERE HE IS! NOW! MICHAEL TOLD YOU, HE WOULDN'T KEEP IT A SECRET! WHERE IS BRADY!" The guy yelled at me some more, I was just plain sick of this, I wanted nothing more than to just die because he'd not let me out. Maybe if I told him Brady was dead, he's just get this over with and kill me already?

Trust me I'd rather live, I have my boy to get back to, and Michael. I have them, and I have my family, not that I could see them again now I am what I am. I need to just kiss his lips one more time, I want to feel him hold me close. All I really want is Him, but I can't ever see him again. I know that much, I can't remember his name, my life before this just being a blur to me now. I've been drugged, I've been beaten, I've been left here without food for days. I know his face, because I dream of it, but his name was just guesswork to me. I knew if I could just have a minute to think about the name that goes with that gorgeous face, the tan, the dark hair. I knew I'd remember it, I could I swear. I knew I was happy with Him, he was brightness in my life but now, now my mind was a blur, my soul was in chains as was my body.

"I swear I will fucking kill you if you don't tell me where he is! Where did Michael take him!" The guy again yells, Michael it's the only name I remember that and Luke because those are the names this guy yells at me, he just calls my love The Mut. The Mut, that's what he says, with disgust in his voice, but I love him, I knew I did. I just wish he'd come and set me free.

"Michael took him to where he deserved to be! That filth couldn't even kill a 13 year old boy!!!" I yell back at him, snapping because I've had enough he can kill me and I can finally get away from here.

He steps up to me, pinning me against the wall with his hand on my throat.

"I won't hesitate to snap your neck!" He growls at me, his bright orange eyes burning into mine.

"Do it! I'd rather die than spend another day here!" I growl back. His grip on my throat gets tighter.

"I'll watch you gasp for air and your eyes go wide, I'll watch you jank those chains trying to fight for life, and I'll watch you give up, your eyes rolling to the back of your head. I WILL WATCH YOU DIE!" He whispers, his voice strained and evil.

I was about to try and say something, a gasp for air being the first thing I did before wanting to scream. Before I could however the door was knocked off its hindges, a tall figure walking in.

Blinking a few times because of the dots blurring my vision I tried to focus on him. HIM! His pale skin, his bright eyes. The hand was pulled away from me, the guy screaming in pain and he was tugged away and out of the house. His screams echoed through the basement, I slumped against the wall, begging for my savior to come back.

Closing my eyes, just for a second to get my vision to its normal state, I heard the iron break that was holding me down, the cuffs removed from my wrists.

"I go looking for the person that means the most to me, and I get lead to you. Of course I get lead to you, because you mean more to me than my own life. Fuck I've missed you sweetie!" He whispers, I wrap my arms around him, he picked me up with ease.

"Ashton." He pleads, making me look up at him.

"Luke." I reply. Smiling at his bright blue eyes and his fangs that were still out.

"I love you." He whispers, kissing my head.

"I love you to." I whisper back, leaning my head on his chest.

"Remember my promise honey?" Luke asks me, I look up at his electric blue eyes.

"What promise?" I ask him, my mind clouded with the fact he was actually holding me.

"I'll be your sweetheart forever." He replies, kissing the top of my head before smiling down at me.

"Forever is actually real now." I tell him.

"Well I do keep to my promises." He replied with a chuckle and so what if my heart started racing at the sound of that. I had him back, my Luke. My sweetheart was mine again and this time, it was forever.

AN/ Aaah who remembered that promise? AND when Ashton went to Luke's grave and talked about the promise? heheheh, I actually put that in the goodbye Ashton said just so I could remind you all about it here... I'm such a looker-a-header (that's not a word) 

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