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(Before I continue can I say one thing? Do not tell me this is a rip off from 'No Homo' and that I'm copying because honestly, I'm not. I'm not even trying to make it like that so honestly, shut the hell up. I hate when people say I rip other peoples stories off and I don't. Now continue (: )


It was awkward, Louis' parents literally staring at the two the whole time, the only noise was their silverware scraping against the plates as they scooped up the lunch Mrs Tomlinson made.

"So Louis, how long have you and Harry known each other?"

The question came out of nowhere but Louis didn't hesitate to answer it. "Three weeks and three days." he stated and his parents nodded.

"Harry's sweet, coming all the way down here for you. Not many people would do that." His mother smiled.

"Not many people would come down here to see a spoiled little brat is what she means." Louis' father smiled falsely, knowing it'd trigger his son.

Harry frowned and went to say something until he felt Louis squeeze his thigh in warning. Why was Louis' father like this? Harry slumped in his seat, hating the fact that he couldn't stick up for his boyfriend.

"Troy," Johanna warned in a tired voice at her husband who rolled his eyes at her. "Did you say bye to the girls this morning?" She questioned Louis and he shook his head sheepishly.

"Lottie came in and said bye but I fell asleep." He flinched waiting for the yelling to start but thankfully nobody yelled.

"They'll be back in a week, it's not a big deal." His father shook his head and scooped up his lunch, obnoxiously chewing it.

Harry wanted to sneer at how obnoxious his dad was and he didn't know how Louis could handle it. If he were him, he'd smash a hammer right into the bald head of his. Louis could sense how uncomfortable Harry was so he moved his hand up and down his thigh.

Harry grabbed Louis hand and stroked the back of it with his thumb, smiling at how small they were compared to his. Troy scoffed seeing this and went to say something but Johanna smacked his hand before he could.

"Why don't you boys sit out back or something? Get some fresh air." She smiled and the two couldn't be more graceful for it.

"Lunch was delicious misses Tomlinson, thank you." Harry stood up, Louis still clutching onto his hand as they both stood up, walking to the backyard and you could hear Troy harshly whispering something.

"Can I smash your fathers skull in?" Harry seethed once they got out back and sat by the pool. "God, he has no right to speak to you that way."

"It's fine."

"No it's not! You're way to precious to be spoken to that way." He noticed how uncomfortable the other had gotten with the subject so he dropped it. "I'm sorry Louis. You know I love you and I hate when people talk to you like you're nothing when really you're worth everything and more."

The blue eyed boy blushed at Harry's words and smiled. "How did I deserve such a cheese ball?" He joked making Harry stick his tongue out at him, Louis grabbed his tongue in the process and brought his face closer, licking it.

"Louis!" It was Harry's turn to blush at the bold action from the younger one, and Louis laughed in response. The older boy laughed with him before pulling them both in the water, not caring that they were both in jeans and a shirt.

"Harry!" Louis returned the yell and came above water, his clothes sticking to his body and his hair to his face. Harry laughed and pushed the other hair away from his face before leaning down and pecking the others forehead.

"I'm sorry, baby boy. Forgive me?" He murmured making Louis' cheeks go red and he hid his face in the others chest quickly. "Louis, stop being so adorable." He squeaked and squeezed the shorter boy in his embrace.

"I'm not adorable." Louis jokingly squeezed the others backside, Harry doing the same but instead of pulling away, he rested his hand there, not that Louis minded.

"You are adorable. My adorable little Louis." Harry purred, placing his other hand on the other side of Louis' bum. "My little princess. Princess Lou." He leaned down capturing his lips with Louis', the younger boy immediately responding.

Harry backed him up against the pool wall which caused the other to wrap his thick thighs around the others waist, Harry hoisting him up more and holding him there as they moved their lips together.

Louis parted his lips and Harry took his chance, sliding his tongue in which caused the younger boy to gasp in surprise, his hold around Harry tightening. They kissed for a few more minutes before pulling back and smiling at one another.

"You're really pretty Louis."

"You're so sweet that I'd marry you Harry." Louis grinned widely, the clothes on his skin slowly making him uncomfortable, same for the other.

"Promise?" The older one pouted which Louis quickly kissed the pout away.

"Promise." Louis smiled and sealed the deal with a short kiss which slowly turned into another make out session.

"Lets go back in the house, yeah?" Louis breathed out as Harry kissed down his neck.

Harry's dick literally twitched at his words and he weighed out his options.

Walk in the house with a boner and possibly get caught by Louis' parents or stay out here with blue balls. He chose the first option.


There's gonna be smut in the next chapter and I wanna make sure you guys are okay with it. Comment if you are, please, i don't want anyone to feel weird about it.

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