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35 days

Today it was raining, like most days really but luckily not hard. It was just a little drizzle but it would probably get heavier later on most likely. Harry pulled up in the driveway, Niall in the passenger seat, his niece in the back, sleeping.

He had to bring the little black haired girl because his mother was going into labor and nobody else was watching her at the moment. The little girl woke up when they hit a bump, her blue eyes going wide as she glanced at the house.

They parked and when Harry saw Louis running out, he immediately stepped out of the car, knowing what was coming. Louis crashed into him, Harry stumbling back against the car, his arms wrapping around Louis' tight body.

"You should be a football player, the american kind, because holy crap you know how to tackle." Harry chuckled then pulled back just enough to capture the others lips with his own. It's only been a few days but they both missed each others kisses.

"Uncle Haz," Harry winced at the nickname that everyone had to teach the little girl to say. He thought the nickname was so old but it didn't stop the seven year old from saying it.

The two pulled away from the kiss to look at Niall and the little girl who was in his arms. Louis cooed and pulled away from Harry, walking in front of the girl.

"Aww who's this?" Louis held his arms out to the little girl who wiggled in Niall's arms to go to Louis. It wasn't even seconds ago that they just met but Louis loved her already. She had Harry's dimples and lips, well Gemma's you should say since it is her kid.

"Louise," The little girl squeaked as Louis took her in his arms. She wrapped her small legs around his waist, her arms around his neck. "My name is Louise." She smiled more and flinched when a drop of water hit her eye.

"Really? My name is Louis." Louis smiled and reached over letting one of his hands clasp with Harry's. "Niall, Zayn's waiting inside for you. Just walk right in." Niall grinned and basically ran into the house.

"You two seem to be getting along so far." The green eyed boy spoke, glad that Louise wasn't being as shy as she usually was. She warmed up to Louis right away.

"Well of course, Harold. I do love children a lot." Louis smiled when the black haired girl ran her fingers through his hair and pushed some hair from his face to see his eyes better.

"Your eyes are blue like mine." She giggled happily while they climbed the steps and walked into the house. "And they look happy and bright." Louise smiled proudly and cupped Louis' face with her small hand.

"Well your uncle makes me very happy." He responded back and squeezed Harry's hand gently, blushing when the leaned over, giving him a kiss on the cheek.

"You make him happy too! He smiles lots now. He used to be very sad." She whispered into his ear, thinking she was being quiet but Harry heard her. "See, look! He smiles now!" She squeaked and Harry really was smiling.

"Doesn't he have a pretty smile? You actually have the same exact one as him, you know that?" Louis asked and let his thumb graze over his boyfriends knuckles before pulling away and placing the girl down.

"I has mommy's smile too." She proudly announced and pointed to her lips making the two older boys laugh softly.

"Hey, my little sisters have some old toys. Would you like to play with them?" Louis bent down to the girls height, the little girl nodding and placing her hands on Louis' cheeks, squishing them together in the process.

"Yes please uncle Lou." He felt proud when she called him uncle Lou and it seemed like Harry was proud too by the look on his face. Louis nodded and kissed the girls forehead before standing.

"I'll be back. I need to go in the basement and get the toys." He informed Harry, pecking his lips before walking to the basement way, opening the door and going down the steps. He lifted a box full of toys before heading back upstairs to see Harry holding the little girl on his lap, she was playing with his face.

"Uncle Haz, do you love uncle Lou like mommy loves daddy?" She asked quietly, her blue eyes wide as she asked, her hands now grabbing his large ones. Louis thought they were big compared to his own but seeing them held on to the girls he thought they were damn huge.

"Yes, I love Louis like mommy loves daddy." Harry caught Louis looking at them and he grinned over at him, his dimples popping out as he beamed.

"Here you go, cutie." Louis laughed silently as the little girl scrambled off of Harry's lap and to the toys he just placed on the floor.

Lottie came down stairs and smiled Harry's way then walked over to the little girl, smiling. "Hello! She sat down on the floor watching as Louise stared at her with wide eyes, a shy smile slowly making its way onto her lips.

"Can Lottie watch her while we pack?" Louis asked, standing in front of Harry, standing in between his legs, Harry sliding his arms around Louis, smiling up at him.

"Of course." He nodded and stood up, now towering over Louis' easily. He pulled Louis along with him up the steps and when they got to the room they could see Niall and Zayn packing already, his clothes almost done finally.

"Look who's finally up here." Zayn joked and closed one of the boxes that was full of his sneakers and a few shirts. "We already packed like three boxes. Most of the clothes are in them, your extra blankets, pillows and your shoes."

"Okay so we just need to pack the remaining clothes, my books, CD's, and other stuff." Louis mentioned, melting into Harry when he hugged him from behind.

"Hey, less cuddly more work." Niall chuckled and pulled the two away from each other and pushed them to the closet. "Pack the rest of the clothes and me and Zayn will get the books and go through the drawers.

The two nodded and started picking up clothes, folding them and placing them in a box, almost finished anyway. There wasn't much clothes anyway.

"You guys-- You really did it?" Louis became confused at Zayn's words until he turned around and saw him holding up a bottle of used lube and the open condom pack. "Holy-- Louis, I didn't think you'd actually-- wow." He chuckled when he saw Louis' face going red.

Louis threw himself in Harry's arms and hid his face to hide how red his face was. "Put that away you doof." Niall scolded him and placed the lube back in the drawer. "Don't pack it up, they may need it for later." He whispered, making sure the couple didn't hear him.

Harry laid back against the clothes and held Louis to him, smiling when the younger boy curled into his side, like he always did when they cuddled.


I'm almost at chapter 50... How??!!

How doe's everyone like Louise?

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