Chapter 1 - Where am I?

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You feel panic start to fill your chest as you try to figure out what happened. You start to make your way toward the door when you are surrounded by a group of men in uniforms with an eagle badge on the right side chest. Something about it seemed familiar to you but at the moment you were too panicked to place it. "Ma'am we're gonna need you to come with us." The lead man says as he walks over to you until he is standing a few feet in front of you. His hazel eyes eyed you up and down as you tried to think about what had happened. 

"Where am I?" You ask as you stare at the men in shock. He looks at the man next to him and whispers something before he turns back to you and says, "This is the office of the Strategic Homeland Intervention, Enforcement and Logistics Division; or better known as SHIELD. I'm Agent Rumlow, and I am here to take you to Director Fury's office." 

Your jaw drops in disbelief as you say, "You're kidding me right? SHIELD isn't real it's part of a comic book reality." 

He tilts his head and hardens his face as he says, "I can assure you, This is a very real place. Now shall we go?" You swallow a gulp of air as one of the other men grabs your arm and roughly starts to drag you to the elevator.

"HEY! GET YOUR HANDS OFF ME!" You yell at the man but when he didn't oblige you used your self-defense maneuver jerking your arm out of his grasp punch him square in the face knocking him to the ground with a hard thump. The rest of the men start to swarm you when you feel someone pull you out of their reach and say, "Agent Rumlow, what's going on here?" You clung to this mysterious man as you kept your eyes focused on the men that were trying to rush you. His voice was deep and you could tell he had to have held some form of authority because the men instantly jumped back away from you and stood at attention. 

"Sorry Cap but we're supposed to escort her to Fury's office for questioning." 

"Cap?" You say in disbelief as you slowly release the man and stepping back look up to see the face of Captain America himself. Before you could say anything the events overwhelmed you making you fall to the floor unconscious.


You woke a few minutes later sitting in an office, Captain America and another man with an eye patch was standing in the corner talking to each other. The dark man with the eye patch was the first to notice that you had gained consciousness. "Excuse my men for their rough behavior but you have to understand their actions. You suddenly appearing in our lobby was cause for concern. My name is Nick Fury, I am the Director here; can I ask you what yours is?" 

You reach up and rubbing your head say, "Look I have no idea how I got here. Honestly one moment I was sitting in my favorite café in (City) when all of the sudden a guy cosplaying as Genie showed up and then the next thing I knew I was being manhandled by your idiot agents. Oh and my name is (F/N), (F/N) (L/N)." 

Fury smirks as he looks at Cap and says, "I like her, doesn't take any shit." 

You smile as you say, "Thanks for the compliment but all I want to do is go home."

Fury nods as he says, "I'm afraid until we figure out why you were sent here you won't be able to go home." 

You let out a loud groan of annoyance as you say, "Fuck my life." You sat there for a few minutes silently stewing in anger as you accidently started to eavesdrop on their conversation. Something about what they were talking about seemed familiar. 

"You just can't stop yourself from lying, can you?" Cap says as he folds his arms over his chest. 

"I didn't lie. Agent Romanoff had a different mission than yours." 

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