Chapter 10 - Voices

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Bucky's POV

"Who are you?" She said as she stared at him eyes completely oblivious to who he was. Bucky froze. He knew that look all too well he had had it just a day before when Hydra had wiped his memory. She suddenly looks at his arm then a look of pure fear fills her eyes as she turns and bolts away from him. His heart felt like it was breaking all over again. He had never wanted to see that look in her eyes ever. "____ wait-" He started to say as he started after her only to see her wrapped around the familiar body of the dude with the wings. He stared off after her as he felt his world start to crumble around him. 

"Finish the mission Soldier!" He heard Peirce's voice cry out in his head making him reach up and grab his head as it throbbed with pain. "Kill her!" 

"No!" He silently cries out as he fights against his body for control.

"Sir, are you okay?" He hears a female voice say and he looks up to see a nurse staring at him a mixture of worry and concern on her face. He blinks quickly and gulping down a breath of air turns from her and starts to quickly run out of the hospital. When he reaches the parking lot he pauses and looking up to the sky starts to hyperventilate. 

"Do it! Finish your mission!" The voice continues to yell out orders making Bucky's head throb even harder. 

"You know I could make those pesky urges go away." He hears a familiar voice say and he turns to see the Genie leaning against a car. His anger surges making him run over and grabbing the Genie by the throat lift him up into the air. 

"What did you do?!" Bucky yells as he tightens his grip. 

The Genie smiles as he disappears from Bucky's grasp only to appear behind him again. "I only did what you asked of me, I kept _____ alive." 

"Why did you take her memories?"

The Genie raises and eyebrow as he says, "I told you all magic comes with a price, and her memories were just what it cost in return for her survival. I said that you might not like price." 

Bucky gulps down a breath of air as he says, "I never thought it would cost me her."

"It doesn't necessarily have to cost you her." Genie says a sly smile covering his lips. 

"What do you mean?" Bucky says as he feels a sense of hope fill his body. 

"I may have made a little tiny loophole that would help her remember everything." 

"What, what is it I'll do anything?!" 

"You have to kill Steve Rogers." 

Bucky's eyes widen as he says, "Steve?" 

The Genie bursts out laughing as he says, "I'm just messing with you, and you should have seen the look on your face." Bucky narrows his eyes in annoyance as he contemplates just offing the Genie. "Alright calm down big guy, all you gotta do Is make her remember. You know make her fall for you all over again. Then the memories will come back but if you can't then she'll never remember and will also leave this place and return to her home." Bucky looks at the ground as he ponders the Genies words, how was he going to make her remember she loved him?

"Oh and I'd get to it cause she's thinking about going home as we speak." Bucky nods as he turns back toward the hospital only to fall to his knees and grasp his head in pain. "Oh and might I say, until you fix things your minds only going to become more unstable; just so you know." Bucky turns back toward the genie only to see that he was once again gone. He takes deep breaths as he tries to calm his mind. 

"His name is James Buchanan Barnes and don't your forget it!" He heard your voice say and he takes a breath letting his memories of you fill his head. He would figure out some way to make you remember because he couldn't live with himself if he lost you. All he had to do was get you to talk to him. Perhaps if the bird boy was there so was Steve, but would Steve help him?

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