- Chapter 15 -

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Bucky's POV

~Going back a bit~

"Bucky, how could you just let her go like that?" Steve cries out as he walks back into the bedroom that had once been hers.

"Leave it Steve." Bucky says as he grits his teeth and tries to fight the tears from falling.

"No Buck I won't leave it, she was willing to do anything for you, she wanted nothing more that to be with you and you just push her away."

"Steve drop it!" Bucky yells as he slams his metal fist against the wall making a hole appear the size of his fist. "You think I really wanted her to leave? You think I'm happy now that she's gone? I pushed the one woman that I loved away because I couldn't stand to think of how I could hurt her, and now I'll never see her again. I know I fucked up but I did it to protect her." Bucky says as he stares at his friend the tears now falling from his eyes. "I love her so much Steve, but I couldn't keep her. I would have just ruined her life."

"Bucky, _____ loved you so much she put herself in danger to try to bring you back and she would do it again and again because that's what people who love you do. They sacrifice themselves for you."

"I couldn't live with myself if she did that. I have almost killed her three times now. No she's better back where she belongs. Now please Steve, don't bring her up again." Bucky says as he pushes himself up off the floor and walking to the bathroom closes the door behind him. He avoids the mirror as he walks over to the shower and turning the cold water on steps in boxers and all. The cold water stings his body as if cascades over his head and down his body. "Please be happy,"

~Months Later~

Since ______ left Bucky had submerged himself in remembering who he was and getting to know all of Steve's new friends. Natasha had forgiven him for shooting her twice and had even enjoyed sparing with him. Clint had at first been a little stand offish since he wasn't sure how Bucky would fair with all the new people around. Thor was fun to get drunk with since he and Steve couldn't actually get drunk. Tony was a pain in the ass that always referred to Bucky as 'Frosty' and it drove him made, and Sam fit in like a lost limb. Bucky had to admit that he was happy. His nightmares only lasted a couple of months after _____ left and when all his memories returned he hadn't had a nightmare since. He tried to keep busy because when he relaxed her memory would creep up on him.

Bucky sat on the balcony of Stark tower dangling his feet over the edge and staring out over the city of Manhattan. It was beautiful at night with all the lights lit up. His mind starts to wander to _____ and he sighs as he says to himself, "I wonder what she's doing and if she's happy?" The cold wind hits his face and he sighs as he remembers the feel or her skin against his. He closes his eyes and her face appears behind his lids her (E/C) eyes shining brightly at him. 'I love you,' her voice rings out in his head making his heart clench.

"You know it's dangerous sitting that close to the edge," He hears a familiar voice say and he grins as he says, "Hello Genie,"

"Hello metal boy how's the single life?"

"Boring, definitely boring."

"So I take it you miss our golden girl?"

"You have no idea," Bucky runs a hand through his hair as he finally turns toward his companion. "So how's the genie business?"

"Can't complain, although my jobs have been cut in half since I brought _____ here."

"How is she?"

"She's living day by day."

Bucky nods as he turns to look back out over the city when a bad feeling washes over him. 'BUCKY!!!' he hears _____'s voice cry out in a panic he jumps up and looks around him as he says, "Did you hear that?" The Genie raises an eyebrow as he says, "Hear what?" 'BUCKY PLEASE!!!!' Your voice cries out again making his stomach knot. "Something's wrong, I need to get to _______."

"Sorry sir no can do, you and the lady have already used up all your wishes."

"I don't care she needs me!" Bucky cries out as he starts to panic.

The Genie takes a deep breath and letting it out says, "I'm gonna get in trouble for this but what the hell I like you two." The genie snaps his fingers and Bucky is instantly standing in the middle of an empty street. He looks around frantically as he walks down the street.

"Where are you ____?" he says to himself as he starts to panic. "BUCKY!!" He hears her cry out and his body moves on its own leading him to a dark alley where he sees a man holding a girl down her screams filling the alley. It wasn't until he heard the woman scream his name that he realized who it was. His eyes went red with rage and the Winter soldier took over making him run over and rip the man off of her and throw him against the wall.

"Who the hell are you?" The man says as he turns toward him. Bucky looks over at her to see her dress ripped and face swollen. He turns back toward the man who was trying to rape her and says his voice cold and sinister, "I'm your worst nightmare." Then he blacks out.

A few seconds later, all he could feel was the cold, unconscious body of the attempted rapist hanging in his hands. He drops the man and turns toward her to see that she was now unconscious herself. Rushing over to her he lifts her up into his arms and cradles her head against his chest as he says, "I'm so sorry ______ I should never have told you to leave. I should have kept you close and safe, and then this never would have happened." Tears fill his eyes as he clings to her like she was going to disappear from him again. "Genie! Help her please!" Bucky cries out as he entangles his hand in her hair and kisses her forehead.

"You rang-" The genie cuts himself off as he sees Bucky cradling her head against his chest. "I'm sorry, I didn't know this would happen." He says frantically as he stares that the two of them.

"Please, I can't lose her again." Bucky cries out as his grip tightens on her.

"Bucky?" He hears her say and he pulls away and looks down into her foggy eyes and says, "I'm here you're okay." Tears instantly fill her eyes as she wraps her arms around his neck and cries out, "Bucky I knew you'd save me."

"I would never let anything hurt you _____, I love you."

"I love you too!"

"I'm so sorry I never should have told you to leave, if I hadn't then none of this would have happened." She pulls away from him and reaching up cups his cheek and says, "You couldn't have known this would happen, it's not your fault." He leans forward and kisses her head again. "Will you take me home?" She says and he nods as he says, "I'll never leave you again."

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