Chapter 8 - Who Am I?

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Steve's POV

Steve watches as _____ takes her last breath then gently lying her back down against the catwalk he looks down to see Bucky trapped under some fallen rubble. Taking a deep breath he jumps down and starts to move the rubble from over Bucky's body. "You know me." Steve says as he stands a few feet away from Bucky. Bucky lashes out at Steve in anger as he yells, "No, I don't!" 

"Bucky, you've known me your whole life." Bucky hits Steve but Steve chooses not to fight back. "Your name is James Buchanan Barnes." 

Bucky hits Steve again. "Shut up!" 

Steve takes off his mask and drops his shield out of the Helicarrier. You had told him Bucky would remember him so he just decides to refuse to fight his friend. "I'm not gonna fight you. You're my friend." Bucky rushes Steve and pushing him to the ground says, "You're my mission." He then mercilessly punches Steve repeatedly across the face. Had she been wrong? "You're my mission!" Bucky cries out again. 

"Then finish it." Steve says causing Bucky to hesitate holding his fist up. "Cause I'm with you till the end of the line." Bucky looks at Steve as if he's starting to remember just then the bottom of the Helicarrier falls sending Steve down into the river below.

The cool water surrounds Steve but he's too exhausted and beaten to move. Steve reserves himself to death and he lets out his last breath as he realizes that now he would no longer be the man out of time but back with all his family and friends that he had lost while he was frozen in the ice. Was this really what death was like? It was quiet and nice. "Steve," He hears a female voice say and he tilts his head as ______'s face appears in his mind. "It's not time for you to come home yet." She says and all the sudden he felt air fill his lungs, was he breathing?

Bucky's POV

"Cause I'm with you till the end of the line." He stares at the man as he starts to remember everything. This was his friend, why was he killing his friend? Then a rocket knocks the bottom of the Helicarrier loose and he watches as his friend falls into the Potomac. Then something in the corner of his eye catches his attention and he turns toward it right as a female's body starts to fall to the water. He stares at her for a moment before her face awakens hidden memories. 

______, what had he done to her? His body moves on its own as he jumps after her. Surprisingly he reaches her before she hits the water and turning to his back he was able to break her fall. Once in the water he happens to glance down and see Steve sinking further and further into the rivers depths. He quickly swims down and grabbing his arm pulls both of them to the surface.

He quickly drags Steve's body over to the edge and once he sees that he is still breathing he lets out and sigh of relief then looking back at _______ he leans his head down to her chest to check for a heartbeat. His heart rises as he hears the weak but steady beat of her heart. He knew the people with Steve would find him and he would last a while until they did but she wouldn't. He carries her bridal style to the nearest parking lot where he quickly steals a car and heads to the nearest hospital.

The whole way to the Hospital he kept a close eye on her. How could he have forgotten his promise to remember her? He sees the marks on her throat start to darken into a bruise and his heart clenches. He was a monster. Once he made sure she was safe he was going to disappear and go far away to a place where he couldn't hurt anyone ever again. 

When the reaches the Hospital he throws the car into park as he rushes over to her side of the car. He gently pulls her out and holds her tightly as he runs through the Emergency room doors. "What happened?" An older female nurse says as she takes in ______'s rough state. 

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