Chapter 2 - Bucky?

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Bucky's POV

She definitely wasn't what he expected. Peirce hadn't been aware of whom she was or why she was in the apartment along with his target but what he didn't expect was for her to jump in his line of fire putting herself in harm's way. How did she even know that he was on the roof and about to shoot Fury? He looks down to see her sleeping on his arm and he raises his eyebrow in confusion. Why was she so comfortable resting on a man's shoulder, not only that but the very man that had shot her just the night before. Either she was very trusting or very stupid. What had she meant about knowing his future? Was she some sort of clairvoyant? There were so many questions running through his head that it made it ache.

He felt her snuggle in closer to him causing his face to flush. He had to admit even though she was his new mission he found her quite attractive. His mind suddenly went back to earlier that morning when Peirce gave him the mission. 

"I must applaud you on your exemplary skills. Fury's death will help us complete our plan. Now we just have one loose end," Pierce slides a picture over to him as he says, "This is a new problem that has risen. No one knows who she is or where she's from but research has proven that she has knowledge about our plans that could potentially ruin everything. I want you to bring her to me. Since her arrival she has been protected by Captain America, I will give you the window you need to procure her. Alive." He nods as he places the picture in his vest pocket. 

He looked down at her and subconsciously reached up a gently moved a strand of her (H/C) hair from her face. Then realizing what he was doing froze in fear.

She was his mission and being so he would most likely have to kill her after Peirce was done with her. "Mmm Bucky," He heard her say in her sleep and his face reddened even more. She had called him Bucky, was that really his name? It didn't ring any bells. Why had she been with Captain America? Why had he been protecting her? There were so many unanswered questions surrounding her. He made a mental note to ask her about it when she woke up. He lets out a sigh as he leans back and faces the other side of the van. He closes his eyes and a vision of a young small man whose face was blurry flashes through his mind.

"Sometimes, I think you like getting punched." He heard his voice say as he helped the young man up off the ground. 

I had him on the ropes." The young blonde says as he wipes his off his pants. He reaches down and picks up the young man's enlistment form from the ground. It showed the man's name was Steve Rogers. "How many times is this?" He starts to read from the enlistment form. "Ah, you're from Paramus now. You know it's illegal to lie on your enlistment form. And seriously, Jersey?" 

Steve looks over at him and says, "Did you get your orders?" 

"The one-o-seventh. Sergeant James Barnes. Shipping for England first thing tomorrow." 

"I should be going." Steve says as he looks down at the ground. 

Come on, man! It's my last night. Gotta get you cleaned up." He says as he places an arm around Steve's shoulder. 

"Why? Where are we going?" Steve asks as he looks up at him. 

"The future." He replies then the van hits a bump shaking him from his memory. Or was it really a memory? His head started to hurt every time he tried to scratch the surface of his past.

In his slight slumber her head had fallen from his arm to his lap and her face had become rather pale. Panic started to wash over him as he suddenly leaned up and reaching down checked her for a pulse. He let out a sigh as it was still there but it was very faint. He glanced down and saw the blood soaked shirt and clenched his jaw as he lifted her up and ripping open her shirt saw that the stitches holding her wound together had been ripped open. He gritted his teeth in anger. 

He knew exactly who was responsible for this. Rumlow. He had no need to throw her into the van but he had. He made a mental note to make him pay later, but for now he needed to treat you. "Head to the hospital." He says his voice rough and cold. Without so much as an argument the driver nods and quickly heads off toward the hospital instead of to Pierce.

"I need you to open your eyes." He hears his voice say with a hint of panic in his tone. He tilts her face upwards and rubbing his thumb on her jaw line says again, "Wake up," Her eyes sleepily flutter open an she says, "What's... happening... I feel so tired..." 

"You need to stay awake. I'm taking you to the hospital." Her eyes shoot open as she sits straight up, "NO You can't!" She calls out as she stares straight into his eyes. "They'd arrest you and... and..."

He chuckles slightly as he says, "Who are you? You know a person in your state should be more worried about blood loss not whether or not her kidnapper would be arrested." 

Her face flushes as she quickly turns away and says, "I have my reasons." He leans back against the side of the van still smirking. "You know smiling actually fits you better than your usual scowl." He stares at her as if she had just said something completely foreign to him. Had he been smiling? That was this first time in such a long time since he had actually smiled. She lets out a sharp wince and reaches up to grasp her arm.

When her hand met flesh she looks down to see her shirt ripped open and she quickly covers her chest as she yells, "WHAT THE HELL? WHY IS MY SHIRT RIPPED OPEN?" 

He clears his throat as he says, "I needed to check your wound." 


He narrows his eyes at her as he says, "Yes as a matter of fact it does. Would you have liked to bleed to death?" 

She raises an eyebrow and says, "Well I hope you enjoyed the view, cause it's the last time you're gonna get to see it." She looked around her and when she found a lone Kevlar vest she reaches down and picking it up glances at him and says, "Turn around." He rolls his eyes but does as she says. "Dam and I really liked this shirt." He hears her say and he sighs as he asks, "Are you done yet?" She clears her throat as she says, "As good as it's gonna get. You know you don't need to take me to the hospital. Just get me a needle and some thread and I'll close my wounds myself." 

He turns back to her and says, "Are you sure?" She nods as she leans back. "Alright then take us to Pierce."

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