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I closed my eyes in anticipation of the first shot but was suddenly pulled backward with such a force that I landed on something soft in the water.


Six gun shots echoed in the air making my ears ring loudly. Sharp pain exploded in my left side, right upper hand and thigh and I found myself pushed under water by something heavy that gripped my left shoulder tightly.

I hadn't expected it so I swallowed a mouthful of the cold and dirty water. I started coughing which only made things worse. I desperately needed to go back to the surface but whatever or whoever was holding me, had such a tight grip on me that I was beginning to have pins and needles in my left arm.

I tried to calm down, to think of something else and as soon as Cole's dark green eyes flashed in my mind, I remembered everything that had led me to this situation.

Cole was in the hospital.

The pain brought by that knowledge made me forget about my predicament.

What if Cole was dead? What if our earlier embrace had been the last? I didn't know it was possible but in spite of being under water, I suddenly had tears streaming down my face.

Was I still under water, though? If so, why hadn't I drowned and why didn't I feel any pain anymore? In fact, why didn't I feel anything at all?

I tried to look around me but everything was dark.

He can't be dead... My mind went back to Cole. At least he knows I love him... I then thought, remembering the moment I'd finally blurted the three little words to him. No, he's not dead... I repeated again. We have so much more to live...

Something heavy started pushing repeatedly on my chest and two breaths of warm air were blown in my mouth before the chest pushing resumed.

My body didn't like what was going on and I began coughing and spitting water violently.

"Thank God you're breathing again..." A heavy weight fell on my chest, wet hair tickling my chin. "I thought you were dead..." The familiar voice added a few seconds later.

"We need to take her to the hospital, Man..." Another voice said.

"Did the Police get the two men?" The familiar voice asked.

"Yeah, they got there just as that dude started shooting at you..." His friend answered.

"Ok, let's go then..." He sat up and I could finally breathe normally.

"James! Come and give me a hand, will you?" The other one called. Somebody, most probably James, ran to us and I was suddenly lifted up.

A rough hand touched my face gently.

"Get her hair out of her face..." My savior's friend told James and I could finally see. I looked to my right and saw a tall boy walking next to us, holding his right arm with his other one as if he was injured. His clothes were dripping wet and as my eyes reached his face I knew why his voice had been familiar.

"Lewis?" My voice was hoarse. Lewis Loyds had just saved me from a certain death.

"Yes, Zoe..." He sighed. "We were hanging out like we often do on the other side of the river, when those two men brought you there... We heard them talk and understood it was you so I crossed the river and got there right on time..." His voice was shaking.

"Thanks..." I muttered. What else could I say? The three boys remained quiet until we reached a dark car.

"Is she ok?" A new voice asked from the driver's seat.

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