Chap 7

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Pulling up to the wine tasting place I had no idea existed, leave it to Fin to find one. The whole ride was a bit awkward do to the silence that was deafening between the three of us. Matt was staring out the window kind of distant and Kyle was barely making any noise in the backseat I was sort of questioning if he was really back there. Parking the car I got out needed some air for the two and jogged up to Jazz who seemed to be on speaking terms with me now since yesterday.

“Hey babe” she said wrapping me up in a warm hug.

“Hey, I’m sorry hun I wasn’t there for you in Paris.” She shrugged.

“I really wanted you there” I wince and hugged her tighter.

“I would have been there but I was having the worst week ever when this happened. My phone fell in the toilet, and then there was a mail thief…” Jazz stared up at me with an awed expression.

“Well damn” I nodded.

“Yep.. But defiantly next time though.” she smiled and hooked out arms together walking up to the building.

“You know Finney plans on getting us all trashed tonight.” Jazz laughed as we caught up with the group.

“I know”

I saw Kyle and Matt standing a few feet apart from each other when we came up to the door. Matt looked over at me and strode over taking my hand. I smiled up at him and gripped his hand tightly. He gave me a genuine smile and it warmed my heart to see it, he was so beautiful and funny and just an all-around nice guy, the things that really attracted me to him. How I wish I could just scream out ‘I LOVE YOU!’ but I couldn’t, not because I didn’t want him, oh I did! I just couldn’t get them out, the words wouldn’t form on my tongue like I wanted them to and I knew the reason… he stood a few feet from me looking as handsome as the day I first saw him. Why he had to come now pissed me off but it wasn’t his fault he forgot about me. I bet if he remembered we both wouldn’t be in this situation.

It was only a couple of minutes ago that we had that moment; that connection that I knew could never excel further than I wanted it to. Kyle hates me... the real Kyle and I knew when he finally remembered everything he’d kill me for taking advantage of him like that. But there was no way for me to get that moment out of my mind, how time seemed to stop and it was just the two of us. The way his beautiful grey eyes darkened with his sleeping wolf somewhere in there. And the tingles’ against my skin was just a torturous reminder he was off limits.

God not to mention his sexy earthy scent with a small hint of lavender I found mouthwatering. Shaking my head I pushed all things about Kyle out of my mind… or tried to. Tonight I was going to focus on wine and friends! The gang walked into the place, it had a cozy restaurant feel to it with lightly dimmed lights but what made it a wine place was the rows and rows of wine bottles set up against the walls.

“Hello welcome to our free wine tasting” a woman said handing us all a piece of paper. “This is our menu of the different types of brands all under their own categories, so find which one fits you and feel free to explore beyond your norm, kay.” she smiled kindly before going to the next visitors.

The place wasn’t so crowded so I followed Finney, Logan, Gab and Jace since they were the wine experts. I know that you’re probably thinking ‘You’re a bartender Levi, you should know this stuff!’ sadly I don’t know much about wine. I’m more of a liquor and beer man, so all eight of us lined up at a selection of white wine each grabbing a glass as the man in front of us described the making process of it and the flavors blah, blah, blah let’s just get it down my gullet. Fin must be thinking the same with the eye roll she gave me in agreement, we brought the glass up to our mouths sipping it experimentally, it had a fruity flavor, pretty good. So with that I gulped it down along with Fin and the others.

RunAway Wolf (BoyxBoy) {Book 3: Blue Moon Series}Where stories live. Discover now