Chap 1

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His hands were running down my stomach as he kissed my neck. I closed my eyes letting him have his way. His fingers hooked in the waistband of my jeans pulling me closer till there wasn't any space between us. His tongue massaged my skin slowly and his fingers explored within my jeans and boxers. I bit my lip.

I gripped at his hair tightly, forcing his lips on mine. I took everything he offered but it wasn't enough, he wasn't enough.

"You're beautiful" he whispered to me. I smiled looking into his black eyes wishing they were the mesmerizing gray that captured me every time and stole my breath. Shaking my head I pushed him down on the bed and climb onto of him.

"Why don't you show me how much you want me" I purred in his ear. I felt the shiver run through his body, his arousal was strong and demanding. He grinned showing all those beautiful white teeth.

"With pleasure"

He was gorgeous, long brown hair, perfectly shaped brows, a face of a model and a body of a god. He was the same height as me, not many guys were taller than me since I stood at a six feet two. Matthew was the perfect male specimen but I could help but want that silky blond hair, luscious pink full lips that could even tempt a priest to crave a taste. That rock hard body lean and fit, his smooth deep voice that could make me melt at his feet if he wished it. I wonder what he tasted like. Was he sweet? How did he feel, were his hands rough or were they soft?

Matthew rolled us over so he was on top of me, his black eyes dark with lust. I closed my eyes imagining gray and blonde. My pants were slowly dragged down my legs till I was completely exposed to him as he was to me.

"I love you" he whispered in my ear and I closed my eyes.

I wish I could love you back... I really do.


A terrible beeping assaulted my ears. I hate alarm clocks they should all be banned for life. They caused my crankiness and lack of sleep. Groaning I reached over and grabbed the pillow that Mathew was using and threw it at the clock.

"Stupid f*cker didn't know who you were messing with did you! Hahahaha" I  grumbled lowly.

"Ugh, Levi if you break another of my alarm clocks I'm going to have to kick your scrawny little ass" Matt mumbled next to me wrapping his strong arms around me and pulling me into his warm chest. I sighed contently and snuggled further into him.

"Well tell it to stop waking me up ever goddamn morning." I huffed.

Chuckling softly he tightened his hold on my and kissed my neck.

"We have to get up anyway" he sighed into the back of my neck.

"Ha ha no, Levi does not have to get up, you do"

"Are you going to start using yourself in the third person again babe? I thought we got you out of that." he laughed. Smiling I turned in his arms to face him.

"Shut up, you love it." his eyes were still closed but I saw the smile spreading on his face.

"You thought." He chuckled. I nuzzled my face into his neck for a moment, licking at his shoulder. His body shivered.

"You know I can't think straight when you do that" he husked. I laughed and slowly pulled away to stretched.

"Uuuuugh, I hate the mornings" I complained while stretching.

"Yeah don't we all" Matt groaned and slid from the bed and stumbled over towards the bathroom. Shaking my head I slipped on a pair of flannel pj bottoms, walked out our room and strode to the kitchen blindly, fumbled with two cup of coffee for Matt and me. I made a bagel, slathering cream cheese on it for me and made toast for him. The apartment was quiet, except for the sound of Matt's shower.

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