Chap 21

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I must have stood in front of Levi’s room for a whole hour before gathering the courage to knock when it suddenly swung open and there he was. I had been sitting outside in the snow all day contemplating on coming to see him. The same questions kept going through my mind.

‘What if he didn’t believe me?’

‘What if he hated me for leaving him?’ well I didn’t intentionally leave.

“Kyle” he sounded short of breath as he said my name. I bit my lip nervously before answering.


I took him in, finally after so long appreciating the beauty about him. His long brown hair was tousled, his clothes wrinkled. His amazingly deep brown eyes watched me cautiously.

“How are you? After the crash you’ve been out of it.” his eyes were down as he fidgeted with the hem of his shirt. I licked my lips which had gone suddenly dry. 

“I remember” I whispered to him. I wanted him to know it was me, that I was back and ready to beg for his forgiveness.

“Oh, well you scared me for a moment there” he awkwardly laughed rubbing the back of his neck. I smirked shaking my head and walked forwards causing him to back away from me in surprise. His intoxicating apple and pine scent wavered up to my nose, rattling my senses.

“No, I mean I remember” I whispered walking in further in the room absently closing the door behind me, my gaze on Levi the whole time.

“What?” he frowned in confusion. Reaching out I cupped his face with a gentle caress,

‘God his skin was soft’ I thought as tingles flew through our skin.

“Everything” I breathed. His eyes suddenly widened in understanding.

“Kyle?” his voice broke. This time he looked like he was seeing me for the first time; I nodded. Tears began to gather in his eyes and my heart began to drop to my feet. He didn’t want me did he? He wanted the other Kyle, the one who didn’t treat him like crap, the Kyle who didn’t care about boys or girls. I sighed about to step back when he caught me by surprise and flew in my arms.

“Oh god, I thought you were gone forever.” He cried in my neck holding me so close it felt like we was trying to blend us together.

“No, I’m right here” I breathed in his hair and hugged him tighter with the same intensity and relief.

All the memories of thinking I would never see him again, I could do this for hours. To kiss him for the first time… well I guess I’ve already done that haven’t I?

“I’m so sorry” I told him. “I’m so sorry for being such an asshole to you. For treating you like dirt, I wish I could take it all back.” I pulled back and lifted his chin up to gaze in his watery eyes to let him know my sincerity. “I really do.” I was trying to hold back the deep emotions in my tone, fighting against the tears the threatened to come but I felt the burn in my eyes.

We stood there for a full minute staring at each other till he shook his head and stepped back.

“You left me” his voice was weak and shaky as he went and sat down on the bed. I stayed on the other side of the room giving him space. I knew this would come up as much as I dreaded this conversation it needed to be dealt with between us if we were ever going to try and be anything together…. That was if he would take me. Things needed to be cleared here and now.

“I went out for a walk that day to clear my head but that was it. I had no intentions of leaving you Levi; I may have not wanted to be with you then but I still wanting to be around you. I needed to know where you were, to know you were safe. I’m drawn to you and nothing, not even my ridiculous homophobia, if you can call it that, was going to stop Me.” he shook his head once more and I got desperate. I rushed to him and dropped to his feet on my knees looking up at him with franticly.

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