Chap 11

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“Excuse me, hello, can I get my Mint Mojito?!” an irritated voice asked. I glanced up to find some girl in a skimpy dress, her arms crossed and her face pinched in annoyance as she looked at me.

“Oh I’m sorry, yeah coming right up” quickly I grabbed a tall glass and started making the drink but my mind was nowhere near this drink or this club it was on Kyle and how he totally lost it tonight. I was just trying to be nice and invite him to dinner with a few friends so he wasn’t alone at home all the time like usual but I was stupid to forget who he was and how he’d react to Matt touching me when I’ve noticed the changes in him over the last few weeks.

Like the way his eyes world darken whenever I would bring Matt into a conversation or how he would growl though he never realized it when I would walk around without my shirt. That was one of the reasons why I’ve been keeping my distance from the house. I know it was mean to leave him all alone in my place but it wasn’t just him that was experiencing these behaviors. My wolf was become more active by the day, pushing me to be with his mate; our mate but I tried to resist it the best I could but the full moon was coming I knew what that meant.

The further I tried to get away from Kyle the more I was dragged closer. There was no escaping the pull between us and I knew the mating would be completed; it was inevitable. And in some sick masochistic way I wanted it to be completed; I wanted to be whole again to be with him. I wanted to feel that eternal love and connection with my destined mate but then I thought about how it wasn’t really Kyle, how he would kill me if I took advantage of his vulnerable state and I loved him too much to betray him that way. Sighing I continued to make drinks, I would noticed Eli give me concerned glances as we worked. I couldn’t blame him; I was acting out of character. My happy go lucky attitude nowhere to be seen but then again it was always slightly an act.

I was never entirely fine even when Caleb took as much away from me, I still had a hole in my heart this whole time.

“What’s with the long face sugar?” a familiar voiced asked and a smile finally surfaced on my face. Glancing up I saw Lola sitting at one of the stools in front of me. Her long hair was down and dyed blonde this time.  Though she was really a guy he wanted to be called a she and I respected that. 

“Lola where have you been all this time?” I asked.

“Oh you know honey this and that” her hand waving in the air as she spoke “What about you, why do you look so down sexy?” I gave her a sad smile.

“My life is quickly running away from me.” I said handing some guy the drink he order then made Lola’s original order which was an old fashioned. Once I finished it I handed it to her, wiping the counter and then leaned over it on my elbows as she took a sip and winked at me.

“You’re so good to me Levi” she smiled. Shrugging I looked out on to the dance floor crowded by hot sweaty bodies.

“Well you know I love you” I said turning back to her. She had a thoughtful look on her face before she placed her drink down and leaned closer to me too.

“Tell me why you think your life’s running away.” I sighed dropping my head down forward.

“It’s complicated Lola”

“All of us have complications its best to let it out hun” should I tell her? I felt Lola’s hand running though my hair comfortingly. I closed my eyes and spilled to her.

“An old love of mine has popped back into my life.” I confessed. Her hands never stopped there light caressing.

“And your worried about Matt right, since you undoubtedly still have feeling for this person.” I nodded.

RunAway Wolf (BoyxBoy) {Book 3: Blue Moon Series}Where stories live. Discover now