Chap 23

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“So I guess there’s no need to put off the Blue Moon pack anymore” I said taking a bite out of my omelet. Kyle was sitting in front of me at the kitchen table but hadn’t touched his food. Cyrus had earlier come to wake me up when he found Kyle and I tangled together asleep. The blush rushed to my cheeks as I remembered how the blankets barley covered me or Kyle when he came in.

‘That bastard, he said he was going to keep Kyle away for a bit but apparently that was too hard of a job for him’ I grumbled under my breath. Kyle frowned at me and I smiled in innocence.

Well I guess his negligence was a blessing in disguise, Kyle and I were finally a mated couple. But still, I know now not to trust what that buttwipe says.

“I guess” he shrugged. Something was off with him I could feel it. Quietly I got up from the table and walked towards him. I could cheer him up now, right? Slowly I sat down in his lap waiting for him to cringe and push me away but instead he had willingly opened his arms to me. My arms went around his neck.

“What’s wrong?” I whispered softly to him. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath like he was enthralled by the sound of my voice.

“Nothing at all” he breathed opening those beautiful gray eyes once more and stared at me with such emotions it broke my heart.

“Come here” I said wrapping my hand around the back of his neck and pulled his lips onto mine. I heard him sigh as we connected, the sparks like gentle caresses as they flew between us. I wanted to devour his beloved taste for ever, just bask in the passion of our mating. Our lips moved in unison as desire for each other bloomed. Softly his hands moved around me, one moving up to my waist and the other diving into the back tresses of my hair as things grew heated.

The kiss was becoming less gently and loving and more animal, wild. Suddenly he bit into my lip and I gasped with excitement knowing he would thrust his tongue into my mouth. The taste of cinnamon was potent as his flavor exploded on my tongue. A growl erupted from my chest then as I shifted from sitting sideways to straddling his hips. His breath picked up as I shifted my hips into him in a wanton way. It was then that I realized I hadn’t lain my mark on his skin.

Pulling away from his lips I glanced into his lustful gaze. We were both out of breath as my canines throbbed. My wolf clawed at my chest demanding I do it now. Kyle had only to look at my mouth and instantly knew what I wanted. I gave him no chances to stop me; I was too impatient and greedy to let him. My move was quick as I rushed forwards and sank my canines into the juncture of where his shoulder and neck met.

Kyle’s body slammed back into the chair as a roaring growl left his lips. The spicy taste of his blood hit my tongue and I let out a moan as my body hummed with need and delight. His body was tight and hard as I pushed up against him. The hand that was still in my hair tightened and pressed me further into his neck; my scent and essence seeped into him till I knew it was practically in his bone when I pulled back and my canines retracted.

I looked down at him and froze at the beauty of this moment. Kyle’s head was bent back on the chair, his bleeding neck exposed with my mark slowly closing.  His eyes were closed in what looked like bliss and those beautiful full lips slightly opened as he panted for breath. I leant back down and lapped up the streak of blood and gave a kiss to his mark which caused a shiver to pass through him.

“I could just eat you right up Kyle” I whispered into his ear nipping at the vulnerable lobe. The sound of his breath hitching made me smile. It felt so empowering and good to be able to affect him this way.

He was truly mine.

“Well doesn’t it feel all hot and heavy in here.” A voice suddenly said and I jumped turning wards the voice to see Cyrus leaning in the kitchen door way with a knowing smirk. Kyle jerked us up and threw me behind him as he bent in a crouch. I frowned when I heard him snarl. Cyrus straightened his stance immediately giving Kyle a cautious stare.

RunAway Wolf (BoyxBoy) {Book 3: Blue Moon Series}Where stories live. Discover now