Chap 15

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I meant to upload this chapter yesterday but wattpad wouldn’t let me so sorry it took so long to update also I’ve been bombarded with ideas for this story and had to put some pieces together before writing again.

I hope you like this chap!


My car was fried; I had been looking at it for the past ten minutes trying to see if I could salvage it but I noticed the bullet holes in more than one important piece in my car. It wouldn’t run even if we got it off its side.

“Great” I sighed. “I guess we’re walking.” I muttered turning back to Kyle who had his still unopened yellow envelope placed in front of him on the ground. Lakota, I found out his new name earlier, was lying with his head in Kyle’s lap and whining. This would be so much easier if Kyle remembered how to shift then we could cover more ground in a day on paw than on foot.

“That’s going to be a bit of a problem” Kyle whispered hoarsely. I frowned,

“Why” slowly he staggered to his feet and I noticed he was bent over a bit with his hand cupping his side. I watched as he took his hand away and I saw the fresh blood smeared all over his hand and the huge stain on his shirt. My heart dropped as I ran over to him.

“Oh my god” I exclaimed and lifted the hem of his shirt to see an oozing wound.

He’d been shot.

“Why didn’t you tell me earlier?!” I cried tearing off my shirt and pressing it to his leaking wound causing him to flinch.

“I didn’t really notice till a few minutes ago.” I closed my eyes as my fear skyrocketed.

“This is a hunter’s bullet Kyle, you’re not just going to heal like you did with the cuts.” I scolded him though it really wasn’t his fault. I glanced behind him to see if there was an exit wound but found now.

“Shit, it’s still in there” my voice was shaking because there was no way I could get it out. I didn’t have tweezers or anything.  

“Levi it’s fine let’s just keep moving. The longer we stay here the faster these hunters have a chance of catching us.” Kyle struggled towards me and I caught him before he hit the ground.

“Dammit Kyle you can barely stand.” I scolded. He shook his head.

“I can walk, if we stay any longer were screwed so let’s go!” he ordered his Beta wolf showed it’s self in those words and I had no other choice but to do as he ordered. Sighing in defeat as I reached into the car the best I could and grabbed our stuff. I watched Kyle closely as he winced and straightened up.

I reached into my bag and brought out a new shirt throwing it on quickly and put the pack on, tightening the straps all the way to better secure it as we started to make our way through the dense forest of trees. I glanced at Kyle periodically as we trudged through the dense forest.


It’s felt like hours as we walked. I had no idea where we were. I jumped over a fallen tree trunk and quickly turned to help Kyle over when I noticed he wasn’t there.

“Shit” I cursed in worry.

“Kyle!” I yelled out hoping for an answer back. I jumped back over the trunk and hastily backtracked when I got an answer but not from him. Lakota’s worried howl called to me and I broke out in a run swatting leaves and branches out of my way. My heart was pounding in fear and regret as I scowled myself for not keeping a better eye on him. I knew he was badly injured but I was too preoccupied with the danger following us.

RunAway Wolf (BoyxBoy) {Book 3: Blue Moon Series}Where stories live. Discover now