Chap 22

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Warmth, the scent of pine and apples engulfed my senses as I woke. Something shifted next to me curling further in my body causing me to jump away in full alert. Flashes of chains and whips crossed my eyes and I bit back a defensive growl before my eyes adjusted to Levi and my body slumped in relief. It wasn’t a dream, I was really free, free to do as I wished…free to love Levi.

My wolf whimpered with absolute liberation and I joined him. How could I have been so dumb as to wait so long, to put off such a great feeling for something as dumb as appearances and the ideal cliché family. I had everything I would ever need right here in my arms. Sighing I leant over and nuzzled Levi’s warm neck, closing my eyes to the delicious sparks our skin produced together; not to mention his smell. It was so intoxicating.

I was tempted to lick that one spot I restrained myself to mark last night to get another taste of him.

‘Oh the hell with it.’

 Slowly I let my tongue caress his skin receiving a delightful soft moan from him. Smiling I did it again watching his body stretch out in want and not to mention his scent was more pungent with lust. My eyes roamed everywhere over his perfect form till I caught sight of a weird scar across his wrist as he turned over smiling up at me.

My confusion was pushed to the back of my mind as his sexy sleepy smile shone on me and I melted.

“Morning” his voice was raspy with sleep. I leant down inches from his face keeping our gaze connected.

“Morning” I whispered huskily. Dear god he was making me a wanton whore with his damn innocent allure. My gaze drifted down towards his lips as he captured his bottom lip between his perfect white teeth and I lost it with a low growl. I smashed out lips together in hunger for his taste.

I felt his fingers wrap themselves around my blonde locks pulling me closer and my heart raced. His bare leg wrapped around my waist as the sheets tangled between us blocking anymore contact to our lower halves. As passion ignited between the both of us our kiss grew raw and desperate. His nails were growing into my back as we lost control of ourselves.

“Kyle” he gasped. He was trying to separate our mouths to speak but I was too greedy to let him. Circling my arms around his back I lifted his upper body against mine.

“Kyle” he muffled once more this time positioning his hands in between our chest to push me away a bit. Groaning I glanced down at his flushed face and his ajar plump lips gasping for air.

“What?” I asked breathlessly. Levi’s eyelids dropped suddenly in embarrassment and I almost laughed aloud with how cute he was being… wait did I just say cute? Wow I never thought I would ever use that word in a sentence. Oh well he’s what I said, adorably cute.

“Can I a-ask you something?” what was up with this sudden bashfulness.

“Anything” I said as soothing as I could to make him feel more relaxed but if anything he was even more tense as he inhaled before speaking. His eyes were still down casts as he spoke.

“Can you tell me…. why-” he paused. Frowning I lowered my head to get at eye level with him.

“Why, what?” I asked softly lifting his chin up with my forefinger and thumb.

“W-why haven’t you m-marked me yet” large chocolate eyes stared into my grey with such vulnerable insecurity. It about broke my heart. I did this to him; made him self-conscious and unsure where I was concerned to him. I softened my gaze as I stared in to his anxious eyes.

“Levi-” he cut me off before I could answer.

“Is it that you really don’t want me now that you’ve had me? I’m not good enough am I.” he started to rush from the bed but I caught him to my chest, his back to my front as he avoided any eye contact with me. “I knew it; I knew it was too good to be true!” I heard the hitch in his whispered tone a sure sign there were tears bound to be shed.

RunAway Wolf (BoyxBoy) {Book 3: Blue Moon Series}Where stories live. Discover now