Chap 12

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Andrej Pejic as Lola (And yes thats a guy!)


I sat with Levi in my lap rocking him back and forth against the far side of the wall. His face was buried in my neck as I stared at the motionless body across the room.

What do we do?

How do we get out of this?

All I know is that I had to protect Levi; I’d do anything I had to but where do we start? I knew it was bad that we had a dead body in the living room. We had to rid of it but how; that’s when the beeping started. I frowned glancing around the room trying to locate the sound but when I glanced back at the body I realized it was coming from him. I reluctantly stood and laid Levi on the couch. I trudged over to Matt, his eyes open staring into nothing, there was no light in them what’s so every. Swallowing I knelt next to him and started to move his clothes trying to find the incessant beeping.

“What are you doing?” Levi’s voice rough from crying came from across the room.

“I keep hearing a beeping sound.” I said unbuckling his vest.

“Beeping?” Levi’s footsteps sounded behind me as he walked forward and knelt behind me a little. I opened the vest to see a small blinking screen built in on the inside of the vest. There as a green line that went round and round in circles on it.

“What is that?” I asked curiously. Levi didn’t answer me so I glanced behind my shoulder to see him staring at the thing with wide eyes. “Levi?” he opened his mouth but nothing came out.

“Levi!” I pushed causing him to blink but the moment he looked at me I felt dread seep into my body. “What?” I asked softly.

“It’s a radar.” He whispered.

I looked at it again and noticed on dot on the tiny screen and pointed to it.

“And this?” Levi shot to his feet suddenly.

“We have to go, now!” he exclaimed running down the hall. I glimpsed at the screen for a second before jumping to my feet and racing after him. He was threw on some clothes when I reached the room. I noticed he had a pillow case on the bed and was filling it up as well.

“What, what’s going on!” I cried. Levi was scaring the hell out of me at the way he was acting like this.

“We have to leave Kyle, get a pillow case and fill it with anything you might need and hurry!” he rushed around and I did as he said without another word. We stuffed the bags full of clothes and hurriedly zipped them up and I followed him as he ran down the hall. He snatched up his car keys but froze when he came into the living room. He turned to me and thrust his bag and keys in my arms.

“Take these to my car” he ordered as he turned to Matt slowly before grabbing his arms and dragging him towards the bedroom. I quickly found Levi’s car and threw the bags in the backseat quickly running back inside. Levi was dashed out of the bedroom when I came in.

“Let’s go, give me the keys.” I threw them to him as he rushed out the door. I saw Lakota coming stand beside me, I have forgot about him though all the commotion.

“Go with Levi” I told him and he ran out to follow him. I sighed glancing around the living room for a second and turned to leave before I spotted my yellow envelope on the table and snatched it up. I couldn’t forget that. I raced out to Levi’s car as he had it running and revving it. The moment my butt touched the seat he peeled out onto the streets. Lakota whimpered as he was jarred into the backseat.

“Can you please tell me what is happening now?!” I exclaimed grabbing at the door handle as I was forced back in the seat. I snatched the seatbelt and hastily buckled myself in.

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