Chapter Eight: What?!

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Chapter Eight: What?!

[Tracy's P.O.V.]

"Um, excuse me, Shane?" I interrupted and everyone at the table turned and looked at me, their eyes bulging out of their sockets. Suddenly, I felt self-conscious and definitely out of place. What? Have they not encountered a nerd like me? "May I have a word with you?"

As soon as the words left my mouth, they just turned their backs to me and ignored everything that I've said. How rude. I frowned and caught Shane whispering something in Ashley's ear that made her giggle. I interrupted their lovey-dovey moment and coughed. They all focused their attention to me once again with the exception of Ashley. She was scowling at me.

"Shane, may I have a word with you?" I repeated.

"You totally can't. You, like, don't have any appointments, honey," Ashley scoffed. I narrowed my eyes at her. She's totally going to get it.

"Oh. So, you must be Shane Chase? Funny, I thought he was a guy, not a blonde airhead," I retorted with an evil grin on my face. I raised an eyebrow at her, patiently waiting for her pathetic comeback. This is clearly why everyone avoids me, aside from the fact that I'm a geek.

She screeched in response. "You just did not say that to me, you freak!"

"Aw. Did that hurt your cute, little ego, Barbie doll?" I mocked and smiled innocently at her, making sure that I was batting my lashes. Everyone laughed at her. This is exactly what you get when you're being harsh to me.

"You bi--" She was cut off by Shane when he raised his right hand.

"You have a minute," he told me.


"Time's a-ticking, Sugar Plum."

I sighed. Oh well.

"About what happened during prom," I started. I noticed him stiffening. "I wan--"

"Time's up, Sugar Plum," he interrupted. What? It wasn't even a minute yet!

"You could go now. You may now join your nerdy little friends and play hopscotch on the sidewalk. Thanks for wasting a precious minute of my life," he told me. He returned to his conversation with his group and his shameless flirting with Ashley.

I started my way back to my table with my head hanging low and my shoulders slumped. I felt like I was stabbed with a sharp knife through my chest. I held back the tears that were threatening to spill. This wasn't over yet. I wasn't going to cry. I won't give up. I'll still apologize because it's the right thing to do. It's what my mom has taught me. I know that behind his cruel facade, he's a big softie whithin. I was sure of it. I gathered up all my courage and turned around.

"Shane," I called out. He turned to me. Shock was evident throughout his face. I guess he was surprised that I attempted to talk to him again. Even I was amazed with myself. "About what happened during prom."

Shane came back to his senses. He stood up from his seat and crossed his arms across his chest. I felt my courage diminishing quickly that I wanted to curl up in a ball and cry. But I didn't. I stood my ground. I pieced myself together and carried on talking. That was what I came here for, right?

"So, yeah, about what happened. You know, how we were interrupted and stuff. I-I kind of feel like I should explain to you since you made an effort to ask me to dance," I paused to catch my breath. Everyone was staring at us now. "Yeah, um, well, my dad fetched me because I had a curfew. Yes, a stupid curfew that's really early. I know, I'm seventeen and I still have a curfew. It's really lame. But you should know that there's a deeper reason behind why, aside from keeping me safe. I hate it but I have to live with it."

"Tracy," Shane interrupted but I was too busy spouting nonsense to even notice.

"I mean, I'm seventeen and I'm already old enough, right? Right. I can't wait to move out and go to college next year. I don't exactly know why my dad has to go all paranoid when--"

"Tracy, what's your point?" Shane asked in an exasperated tone. Oops. I was getting out of hand. I sighed heavily and organized my thoughts.

"Sorry," I smiled sheepishly. "All I wanted to say was, I apologize. I really do. I'm sorry for not coming back."

"That's okay. You weren't that good of a hook up anyway. I really don't care.

"What?!" What the heck was he talking about? Me? A hook up? No way! I haven't even surrendered my V-card yet.

"You heard me, McPhee. You weren't good enough. Don't even think about a second round."

"W-What are you talking about? You know nothing really hap--" I was cut off by Ashley's laugh.

"Darling," she said in a mocking voice as she stood up. "We all know that Shane is hot, like sizzling hot, and every girl wants to be his sweet, innocent kitty but I have to tell you this. When he doesn't want a second round, he surely, like hell, doesn't want it. Understand?"

Okay, that was certainly the last straw. I was burning up with anger that I could literally combust and burn the whole school down. My blood was boiling at a million degrees and I couldn't take it anymore. My vision went red. Before I could even stop myself, I grabbed the first thing that was within my reach and dumped it on Ashley's head.

Realization struck me as I saw her face. Chocolate pudding was dripping down her chin. Everyone within a five-foot radius bursted out laughing at her misfortune. I grinned at her like an idiot. I didn't feel guilty at all, since her pudding-covered face was priceless. She really deserved it.

"That, is for insulting me. Nobody has any right to insult me beacause I definitely did not do anything wrong to you or to any other person, to be exact," I explained.

"And this..." I turned towards Shane's direction and let all my anger go. In a flash, my right hand went numb. I had slapped Shane Chase in front of everyone and my hand left a huge mark on his cheek. Wow. I must have been really angry to slap him that hard. I know I should be apologizing but I won't. It's his fault and it felt good to slap him.

".. is for making up such a ruthless story which, as you and I both know, is a complete and utter lie. You're so unreasonable and irradical," I ranted. I was shaking with frustration and I couldn't take the pain anymore. Sean was right.

Tears streamed down my face and I quickly ran for the exit. My feet just sort of had a mind of their own. I really didn't know where I was headed. I just ran as fast as I could. Anywhere is better than here.

I came to a stop when I reached my locker. I leaned my back against it and sank down to my feet. My eyes were getting hurt from crying. My nose was as red as a tomato. There was a searing pain in my chest and my right hand stung. It was just like the past all over again. I guess history did repeat itself.



Ta-da! There you go, Chapter Eight. :)

So, what do guys think? What could have possibly happened in the past? Comment your opinions below.

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Hugs and Kisses,

Aiah. ♥

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