Chapter Thirteen: Fan Girls and Detention

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Chapter Thirteen: Fan Girls and Detention

[Shane's P.O.V.]

I froze right on the spot. I couldn't believe my ears. Tracy just admitted that Sean was important to her. You have just to be kidding me! If Sean was important to Tracy, then...then, that means...

No. No way, I refuse to think about it. Sean is just Tracy's best friend. There's no way in hell that I will approve any romantic relationship between them.

I began mumbling incoherent words, some with meanings that I didn't have any idea about. What the hell is happening? What is this nagging feeling? Why is my chest pounding really hard? Is this what it feels to be jealous?

"Oh my gosh!" a high-pitched voice shrieked behind me. I literally jumped a few feet above the air. God, talk about a mini-heart attack. I slowly turned around and saw little girl gaping at me. A freshman, I guess.

"Hey there, cutie," I smiled. She squealed in delight and began jumping up and down like a spasmodic puppy.

"You're Shane! Shane Chase. Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh," she gushed. "I seriously couldn't believe it. Everyone in my class would be so jealous."

My smile wavered. Oh shit, a fan girl. I have to get out of here before the others arrived. I was about to run when a bright flash blinded me.

"I took a picture. I hope you don't mind," the little girl informed.

"No, no. It's all right," I smiled, shaking my head. I was kind of caught offguard when I saw her faint. I squinted my eyes to get a clearer view and to process everything that had just happened. My eyes fell oto the unconscious girl on the floor. She fainted. A girl fainted just because I smiled at her. This is absolutely awesome.

I basked in the coolness of the situation at hand for a few more moments until I finally snapped out of it. Crap, I had to bring her to the clinic and I only had three minutes left before my History class started. Brilliant. My class was on the other side of the building. I let out a huge sigh of exasperation and crouched to pick her up.

Just as I was about to lay my hands on her, I sensed movement at the end of the hallway. I looked up and caught sight of a horde of girls running towards me, with all sorts of cameras, phones and gadgets. Fuck.

"Fan girls," I whispered to myself. "Loads and loads of them.

I quickly grabbed the unconscious girland dashed towards the other end of the hallway. To say that it was hard was a complete understatement. God, the girl weighted a ton! Oh, and let's not forget about the fact that I was being chased by a million fan girls. Plus, add in the fact that the halls were filling up with students.

"Shane, could I take a picture?"

"Is it true that you and Ashley are together?"

"Can I have your number?"

They bombarded me with a gazillion questions as they ran after me. Shit, this is the reason why I hate being so popular.

The wild chase went on and I had to dodge a lot of students who were scrambling to get into their classes. I heard a few of them muttering curses and complaining about the fuss that I was causing. Finally, the clinic came into view. Thank the gods. My stamina was depleting to an alarmingly low level. Even though I was on the football team and had to train everyday, all these running made me feel exhausted.

Thankfully, I reached the clinic before we were engulfed by the mob of girls. I quickly turned the knob. I stumbled my way into the clinic and was instantly hit with its sterile scent. Letting out a huge sigh, I tucked the girl into the bed. i swear the nurse was giving me a really dirty look.

"Um...she kinda fainted on the floor," I explained. I quickly turned around and headed to my next class.


Sneaking into History class was harder than completing my coach's obstacle race. Yes, it was that hard considering that Mrs. Simpson had eagle eyes and ears as sensitive as a cat's. I wasn't surprised when she caught me after ten seconds of my approach.

"Mr. Chase, you may now proceed to the detention room. You don't need to sneak in Shane," she barked.

Of course, as obedient as I already am, I did what I was told.



Hey guys! I'm back. Sorry for the looooooong delay. I've had a lot going on these past two years. I was in senior year and then there's college. So sorry about everything. I'll keep up from now on. I swear. :)

Love Lots,

Aiah. <3

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