Chapter Five: Plotting Payback Operation

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Chapter Five: Plotting Payback Operation

[Shane's P.O.V.]

The night passed by quite uneventfully. Tracy didn't show up. I was like an idiot who waited for nothing. She promised me that she'll try her best to come back. Yeah, whatever. Promise me my ass. I looked like a complete goof that night.


It was Monday morning. I sat in my desk, plotting ways to make Tracy regret what she had done. My Chemistry teacher, Mr. Reeds, was blabbering about cycloal-whatevers but I wasn't listening. Hey, don't get me wrong but I care for my grades. This instance, however, is an exception. Tracy has to pay. I knotted my eyebrows in concentration. Eventually, I came up with a bright idea. I smiled to myself. And yes, I am a genius for boiling up this plan.

"Now," Mr. Reeds said, demanding everyone's attention. My train of thoughts was distracted by his loud voice which boomed throughout the room. "It's time for a pop quiz."

My jaw dropped. My eyes bulged out of their sockets and my breathing came to a halt. I wasn't prepared for this quiz. Heck, to make matters worst, I wasn't listening. I ran my fingers through my hair exasperately. My thinking abilities got jumbled up and my mind was crammed, desperately searching for tiny bits and pieces of information that I could remember and use for the quiz.

My mouth was hanging agape and I accidentally lost my grip on my pen. It fell down on the floor. As soon as it hit the surface, the bell rang. Awesome, I know. Maybe my pen has some sort of magical powers that could grant all my wishes whenever I'm in dire need. Pfft, yeah. Welcome to my world.

I let out a huge sigh of relief. I was saved by the bell. And yes, I do mean that literally. I quickly gathered all my things and stuffed them in my bag. Then, along with my fellow students, I shuffled to the cafeteria for lunch with a huge smile on my face. So long sucker! Give us the quiz some other time because, finally, it's payback time.

Chris was already sitting in our table by the time I arrived. As usual, our table was jam-packed. Everyone on the football team was there, along with some cheerleaders and a few equally popular students. The other less important people were just standing around our table, laughing at some joke which Chris has probably shared with them. What can I say? Chris was simply one hell of a comedian. Yeah, the sight was stereotypical, but I'm used to it anyway. I sauntered my way through the crowd and plopped on a seat beside my best bud.

"Yo," Chris greeted.

"Hey, man," I greeted back. "What's for lunch?"

"Go get your own, dude," he said, slapping my hand as I tried to reach for one of his french fries. Very mature.

I laughed at him. Shaking my head, I stood up and went to pick up my lunch. The queue wasn't fully packed so it didn'take long before I was able to get my food. I returned to my seat and had a bite of my hamburger. The cafeteria surely did produce the best hamburgers, in town.

I scanned the place for someone certain, the recipient of my wrath. My eyes wandered through the different faces that were present in the cafeteria until my gaze landed on a familiar brunette with apple green eyes and wavy hair. Tracy was making her way through the crowd and towards me. I smiled. It was perfectly what I needed for the plan. Finally, it's time to commence my payback operation.



Yo, guys. 'Sup? Anyway, I'm so sorry for the delay. I visited my aunt's place and stayed there for a while. Sigh, at least I was able to post this chapter immediately. I hope this makes up for the delay.

Thanks for reading this. I hope you enjoyed it. :)

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I would surely love that.


Aiah. :3

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