Chapter 16: Now I Live, I hope.

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I woke up the next morning at 7:45 with an ache in my head, but my doctor said it was normal for a girl with cancer. So I walked down to the kitchen and no one was home. So I grabbed a bowl and cereal and went up to my room. I grabbed my laptop and sat on my bed. I figured that I would catch up on my Gossip Girl. I was 30 minutes into it when my phone rang. I looked at it and it was my mom. I answered it and she said,"Hey, honey. I know you are all alone, but I had to run to get your medicine and do other things. Are you okay by yourself?" "Yes mom. I have been staying home by myself since I was 12. I think I'll do okay." I replied. "Ok. Well I'll see you later then. Love you bye." She said. Before I could reply she had hung up. I wonder what was so important. Why was she being short with me. And why she was hiding things from me.

So I just went on about my business. Around 9:00 I heard the door open and I went downstairs to see who it was. I saw my mom and then my dad come in the house. I went down to the living room where they were. Before I entered the room I heard them talking, "We need to tell Bella. We need to." I heard my dad say. I couldn't hear my mom reply so I walked in and said,"What do you need to tell me. I heard y'all come in so I came to see what was up." I said. My dad looked at me and said,"What we needed to tell you is that you have an appointment on Wednesday at 10:00." I was wondering why it had to be such a secret about my appointment because I already knew about it. I really just shrugged my shoulders and walked away.

I could hear them giggling when I walked away. I really always wanted my parents to get back together, but I liked my stepmom Aubrey. So I hope they aren't going behind Aubrey's back. I went up stairs and turned back on Gossip Girl. Before I knew it I was asleep. I woke back up around 1:30ish. I was so hungry that I went and got me some food. As I was about to get in my car my phone rang. It was Colton. I answered it and said,"Hello?" "Hey, I was calling to see if you had talked to Darla?" He asked. "Well, not really. I have bigger problem than you and her having sex." I said kind of rudely. "Well, she won't answer my phone calls." He said worried. "Well maybe it's because you told her you didn't want a relationship!" I said. "But I have changed my mind." He said. "Whatever. I got to go." I said hanging up on him.

I got into my car and drove to the nearest Chipotle. I ordered my food and then looked at my phone. I hadn't heard from Eric since yesterday. I knew I shouldn't worried about it. But all I could do was worry because I really liked Eric. I got my food togo and headed back to my house. I wasn't wondering about Eric anymore, I was wondering what my parents really needed to tell me. I knew that they were going to take me to the doctor, so I don't know what they were hiding from me. I was so confused. When I got to my house I ended up just taking 3 bits of my food then throwing it back up. Since I had cancer I never ate the same again. I couldn't keep any of my food down. So eating normal was not an option. I missed it. I wanted to eat like a normal person.

I was changing my clothes to get more comfy and my phone started to ring. It was Caleb. I answered. "Hello," I said. "Hey, Bella. How have you been. You haven't been in school lately." He said. "Caleb, no one told you?" I said. "No one has told me anything." I felt bad for Caleb because no has told him about my cancer. "Caleb, I have cancer. I'm okay, but I'm just surprised that no one has told you." I told him. I could hear him freaking out. "Oh my goodness, Bella. Are you sure you okay?" He asked. "Yes I'm fine. I promise. No need to freak out." I told him.

It was around 3:30ish when we finally hung up. I was super tired and ready for bed. I still hadn't heard from Eric. I was wanting to hear from him before I went to sleep. I knew that he was doing something important. I just wanted to know what was more important than talking to me. I wanted to see him!

I didn't want to text him and seem desperate. But at the same time he hasn't checked on my all day. It was almost 4:00 and Color guard practice was about to begin and I wanted to go so bad. I wanted to at least watch what was going on. The doctor told me I couldn't participate until I have been cleared by a neurologist and I couldn't get in to see them till the summer. So the rest of the year I'm pretty much screwed when it comes to color guard.

Hopefully I get cleared soon. I just wanna feel normal again. I know I'll never be normal ever again but can't a girl dream?!

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