Chapter 14: The Day After It Happened.

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I woke up and checked my phone. Still no text from Eric. He couldn't stay mad at me this long. I mean its only been a few hours since I kind pushed him out of my house but, I need to talk to him. I needed to see his face. I got out of bed thinking that maybe he isn't awake yet. So I got in the shower and put on my red skinny jeans and my captain america shirt. I threw my hair in a messy bun and went down stairs. I was hungry. So I cooked my some food. Toast and coffee. Sounded amazing. I finished eating when I heard a knock on the door. I was nervous, because what if it was Eric. What if he comes in here and wants to run away with me. I mean I would do it in a heart beat. When I opened the door, it wasn't Eric. It was me step-mom, Aubrey. I was disappointed, but I let her in. "I need to finish getting ready for school, but Mom is in the living room." I said to her. She nodded and went to the living room.

I ran upstairs and put on my makeup. Then I realized that I need to look super hot and blow Eric out of the country when he sees me so I changed my whole outfit. I put on one of my dresses and my converses. Then I let my hair down. This was probably the only day I was glad it was naturally curly. Then I looked at my phone to see if he texted me back, but he didn't. He didn't matter because I needed to get to school. So I grabbed my purse and my backpack and headed to school. I hopped in the car and started it. I heard my phone go off and so I picked it up. I was happy because I thought it was Eric. Instead it was Caleb. I didn't even bother looking at it. So I just went on about my way to school. 

When I arrived at school I could see the parking spot that Eric parked in everyday was empty. I was kinda worried. I went into the building and went straight to Colton. "Have you talked to Eric? He hasn't been answering my text or anything, and he isn't here. Is he okay?" I asked him. Colton looked at me and said,"I talked to him last night after Darla and I left, but that is it. He didn't talk to me about anything else." I thought it was weird that he didn't even tell his best friend about us kissing. I guess he was that mad at me. I wish I could talk to him. I missed him so bad. 

Before I knew it school was over. The weekend was finally here. I called Darla on my way home to ask about last night. "Hey, so how did it go with Colton?" I asked her. There was silence for a little while then Darla said,"I lost my virginity. I didn't want to, but I just couldn't help it. He was just to cute for me not to." I couldn't help but say,"But what happened to waiting. OR what happened to never having sex because you didn't want to get pregnant?" "I know. I made him wear a condom. Because at first he didn't want to." She said. I was surprised. "Well I'm turning on our street so I'll talk to you when I get there. Goodbye." I said. She replied,"Ok. Goodbye" When we hung up I was pulling into the driveway. 

I walked in a said, "Darla, I'm home!" Darla came running down the stairs and said,"We need to go buy Plan B. Colton just told me he didn't use a condom. I'm not going to have a baby." "We don't need Plan B. You won't get pregnant. I pretty sure." I said to her. She agreed to me and went back to her room. I'm pretty sure she isn't pregnant, because if she was she would be as happy as she is. I went to my room and got on my laptop. I opened up facebook. The first thing I saw was Eric Sanders in a relationship. I was heart broken. I knew he was just like all the other boys. They tell me they like me but they really don't. I closed my laptop and layed on my bed a cried. 

I felt a hand on my back as I was crying I looked up and it was Darla. She looked confused then asked,"What's wrong?" I pointed to my laptop and continued to cry. I saw her open my laptop then grab her phone. I guess she was calling Colton about it. She left the room. As soon she came back she said,"Colton said that it was you he was in a relationship with. He said that he talked to Eric after school and Eric had something planned out for yall." I dried up my tears and then I heard my phone go off. I looked at it and it was from Eric. It said Be ready at 7:00. I was excited. I knew what he was gonna say to me. He was gonna ask me to be his girlfriend. I turned to my alarm clock to see the time and it was 6:30. I was happy that I was already dressed from school. So I just freshened up. 

Eric arrived at 6:55. He rang the doorbell and Mom opened the door for him. He came in my house wearing a polo shirt and a khaki pants. I could hear them talking so I walked down stairs. I saw Eric look at me and say,"Wow, you look amazing." I blushed. I looked at him and said,"Where are we going?" He replied,"It is a surprise. You will see when we get there." I nodded my head. "Well if you are gonna take me. Then lets go." I said as I walked to the door. We started walking toward his truck. I looked at him and said,"So, am I gonna like where we are going?" "Just wait and see." He replied. 

We were riding a little ways when I realized we were heading towards the park. He parked and said,"Yes, it's the park. Just look more surprised than you do right now." I just followed him around the park. Then the closer we got the the pond at the lake the slower Eric walked. Before I knew it I saw a picnic blanket laid out. I grabbed Eric's hand and pulled him to me and said,"You didn't have to do something like this. We could have just to like the mall or something different." He looked at me said,"So you don't like it?" I shook my head no and  said,"No, I LOVE IT!" He grabbed my hand and pulled me to the ground. 

We sat in silence as we ate our sandwiches. While I sat there I just wanted to ask him why he had ignored me all day. But I didn't want to ruin the perfect moment. I just wanted to know. I looked at him and said,"Eric, why weren't you in school today?" He looked at me and said,"My parents just gave me awful news this morning and I wasn't ready to tell anyone. That's why I didn't text you back." He answered. "Well what was the bad news?" I asked. He looked at me with a sad face and said,"Like I said I'm not ready." "Ok. Another question. Why did you change your facebook relationship status to into a relationship?" I asked. "Well, this is why I brought you here. I wanted to talk to you about that. What I said last night I didn't mean. I mean I like you but I don't like you like that. You are a really cool friend, but I been talking to someone else. I'm sorry. I knew you really liked me." I was so heart broken. I started to cry. I looked at Eric and said,"Really? You told me you liked me too. Were you lying the whole time. You know what I have been through how could you do that to me?" I could see he had a smile on his face. I was confused. "Why are you laughing? Do you like seeing me in pain." I asked. "No, I'm just kidding with you. Bella, will you be my girlfriend?" 

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