Chapter 2: Maybe This is for the Best.

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The picture is how I picture Bella!
I was dreading color guard practice. I wasn't ready to see Jorden because I hadn't talked to him in a whole week. The last time I saw him our lips were together. And if Mrs. Davis finds out about what happened I definitely won't be captain. I can't let her think of me as another girl. I want to be captain. I want it so bad.

I walked into the gym for practice and there he was. Standing there with his hands on his hips, biting his lip. "Bella!" He shouted. I tried to ignore him. "Bella!" I heard again. I looked at him and he had his sabre in his hand walking to me. I couldn't tell what any one else was doing. As soon as he walked up to me, Mrs. Davis saw us. I knew I had be caught. "Bella, Jorden. What are y'all doing.? Let start warming up. And get ready to practice." I heard. I thought it was Mrs. Davis but it wasn't. I was confused. I couldn't figure out who yelled at us, but at this point. I didn't care. I was glad, because it got him out of my hair.

Practice had begun. I was holding my riffle and I heard "5,6,7,8" and then my riffle went up in the air. I caught it. But then it slipped out of my hand. I was so mad. Then I tried it again then there was Jorden looking at my with his beautiful blue eyes. That's all I saw. Everything else was a blur.

When I opened my eyes everyone was around me. "Are you okay?" I heard one girl say. "Is she dead?" One girl said again. "What happened and why do I see stars." I asked. Mrs. Davis had a bag of ice and handed it to me. "Take this. It will make the swelling go away." "Thanks Mrs. Davis." I went to reach for the ice but Jorden got to it faster. "I'll take care of you." He repeated. I thought how sweet but the words that came out of my mouth were "I GOT IT!" I could take care of myself. So I got up and sat on the bleachers. Then practice resumed.

After practice was over everyone was checking on me. I felt fine but not good enough to drive. "I need someone's phone. Mine died before I got here." I said aloud. Our captain, Abbie, handed me her phone. I called my mom and told her, "Mom I need a ride. I hit my head pretty hard and I can't drive." "Omg. Are you okay? I'm on my way." As soon as she said the Jorden looked at me and said, "I'll drive you home. Just give me your keys." I shook my head and told my mom, "Jorden told me he would take me home. I'll be home in a couple minutes." "Ok" she replied.

Jorden took my keys and headed to my car. I handed Abbie her phone back and told everyone goodbye. Before I left Mrs. Davis stopped me and asked, "What's going with you and Jorden? Y'all are getting very flirty. That's why you hit your head. I could tell." "I'm so sorry. I'm trying to stay away for guards sake. It's Jorden. I have told him to leave me alone and he won't. Im trying. I'm sorry." I answered her. She nodded and said, "I'll see you later." I waved to her and headed to my car.

When I got to my car Jorden was standing by the passenger door with the music blaring. When he noticed me coming he opened the door then ran to turn the music down. Then he took my stuff from me and placed in the back. "So to your house we go?" Jorden asked as I hopped in the passenger seat and buckled up. "Yes please." I said. We drove along and he keep his eyes on the road. I was really impressed with the way he drove.

When we pulled in to my drive way he grab my stuff from the back then opened the door for me. He was such a gentlemen. I could help but think of what Mrs. Davis said. When we got to my front door he looked at me and said, "I hope your head is okay. I didn't mean to make you angry also. I was just trying to help. I'm sorry. Please, don't be mad at me." How could I be mad at him. "I'm not mad. It was in the moment. I'm sorry I shouted. I feel really bad." Before I could finish he kissed me. It was a very warm kiss. I looked at him and said, "I have to go. See you tomorrow at school?" He nodded and I opened the front door and walked in. I figured he texted his mom because that's who picked him up. I heard the car start and drive away.

I sat down by the front door and thought. "Mrs. Davis will kill me if she finds out. I can't have her find out. This can't happen again, but I want it to happen again. I want him to be my boyfriend. I want him to call me his. I want it, but I can't have it." It sucked.

I plugged my phone up and I go a text as soon as it came on. It was Jorden. The text read I'll pick you up tomorrow for school. Be ready around 7:45. See you tomorrow.

I was happy Jorden was taking a step but it wasn't the right step for me to take. I am so confused on what to do. I want Jorden but I can't have him and it sucks because I wanted to tell him that I loved him. That's big enough to tell him. Maybe I'll tell him tomorrow. On our way to school, but I'm scared that he won't feel the same.

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