Chapter 12: So It Goes.

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Practice has begun. I'm know captain. I am in charge, Not matter what they listen to me. We were working on across the floors when Mrs. Davis called me to watch. While I was watching I noticed that Eric was texting someone. I let the boys and girls have a break and I walked up to him and said,"Who you talking to?" "Oh no one to be worried about." He replied. "If I have nothing to be worried about then just tell me." I said. "Fine its Payton." He said. I was angry. He knew I hated her. I don't no why he couldn't stop texting her. "Why her?" I said angrily. "We are friends. Nothing more than that." he replied. "I heard that to much. Because my last boyfriend said that and now look at us." I said. I couldn't sit by him anymore so I just went and practiced and I didn't speak to him again until it was over.

When practice was over Eric came over to me and said,"I fixed it. No more Payton. And I did it for you. Bella I like you I just don't want to rush it. OK?" "Okay." I replied. I turned around and looked at my new line and said,"Good work today ladys. Y'all are dismissed. See y'all next week." Everyone left as soon as I said that. I saw Mrs. Davis walking up to me and she hugged me and said,"Good job today. I knew I chose and good captain." After that Eric and I got into my car and I drove home.

I could see out of the corner of my eye Eric staring at me like he wanted to kill me. We pulled into my driveway and I looked at him and said,"Why do you look like you want to kill me. What did I do to you?" "Noting that's how I look when I try to think of how good me and a girl would look together. " he replied. I shook my head in confusion, but went with it. I hopped out of my car and Eric followed. I walked him to his truck then said,"Eric, I like you but I don't want to jump into a relationship again. I don't want this to stop but if you can wait I wouldn't mind dating you in a couple of weeks. "Bella, I would wait for you if it meant you died before I got to date you, I would still wait." he replied.

I couldn't get anything out I just kissed him right on the lips. I didn't even think about it. I looked at him and then said,"I'm sorry. I just totally told you I wanted to take it slow, but I just kissed you. I got to go." Before he could speak I ran into my house. I went straight up to my room and went straight to bed.

I woke up at 6:30 to the sound of my alarm going off. I turned it off and then got out of bed. I went and took a shower and when I got out of the shower and I heard my phone ringing. I thought to myself hopping it was Eric, but it wasn't. It was Caleb. I let it go to voice mail. I got dressed ran down stairs. My mom was sitting in the kitchen reading the paper. "Morning!" I said to her. "Oh good morning sweetheart." she replied. "Reading anything important?" I asked. "Not really. By the way your dad is in town, and he would like to spend sometime with him." she said. "Well so this weekend he wants me to come and spend the night with him?" I asked. "Yah, that would be nice. Since it is Tuesday you have a couple of days to figure it out." she said. "Well I will think about it, I need to get to school before I am late." I said as I walked out the door.

I arrived to school with 10 minutes before the bell rung. I was ready to talk to Kara and was ready to tell her that she was in the wrong. As I was walking into school someone tapped my shoulder. I turned around and it was Caleb. "I called you this morning, but you didn't answer." he said to me. "Yes I know. I didn't answer it for a reason. Look Caleb, you are a sweet guy but I don't want to be with you for the last time." I said trying not to be rude. "Listen Bella, I'm not going to give up on you. I promise I wont stop trying." he said to me.

I just turned away from him and walked into the school. I went to my first period class. As soon as I got in there I saw that Kara wasn't. I thought to myself that maybe she was late. Then the tardy bell rang and then she never showed up. I pulled out my phone and texted her. Hey, where are you I wanted to talk to you. She texted back really fast and said, I change my schedule because you said you didn't want to talk to me again. I didn't replied to her because she was totally right. I never realized how rude I was to her, but I mean she was in the wrong. No matter how many time I think about it I still feel bad about how I treated her.

Before I knew it was lunch time. I wasn't really hungry so I just went to the library. When I walked in I saw Kara reading a book. I walked up to her and tapped her shoulder. She looked at me and said,"What do you want." I replied and said,"I'm sorry. I just really liked Jorden and I thought you were a good enough friend not to ruin it. But I guess I was wrong. I just want it behind us and not really go back to normal but not live with hating each other." She shook her head and said,"Well good for you, Jorden was so heart broken that he never talked to me again. I didn't kiss him because of Caleb. I kissed him because I liked him. I wanted to be with Jorden. When you told me that y'all were dating I just wanted to cry. And as soon as we got off the phone I cried myself to sleep." I saw her wipe a tear off her face and then I said,"I didn't know. Why didn't you tell me. I would have never dated him." "I didn't want to ruin what y'all had. It wasn't right. I knew you liked him and you seemed so happy, but after you left me and Caleb at the movies I knew what I had to do. I was so mad at you for leaving me I just wanted to make you hate him so I could have him." I looked at her confused.

"Bella, I never wanted to hurt you. I'm sorry." she said. The bell rang for us to go back to class. When I arrived into call my phone went off. I pulled out of my pocket and it was Jorden. The message read, I heard you talked to Kara now where is my turn? I didn't replied, but I knew that I would see him leaving school. Before I knew it school was over. I was walking out towards Jorden's truck. I saw him walking also. "Jorden!" I called out. He turned around and smiled to me. "Hey, Bella." he said to me. "Date Kara, forget about me. Date her! That's all I have to say. Good bye." I said as I walked towards my car. Before he could respond I was driving away.

I only hoped that he took my advice.

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