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from: Me

I dare Dipper to look at a billdip smut fanfic, and i dare Bill to watch his reaction, then read the same story


Dipper: I wonder what smut means

Bill: *knows* You don't wanna know

Dipper: Ok then *looks up smut billdip fanfictions and starts reading*

--------------- 2 minutes-----------------------

Dipper: *slams computer down* BILL GET THE BLEACH I'VE SEEN THINGS I DONT WANNA SEE AGAIN *throws computer out window*

Bill: Why Pine tr- *sees Dipper slam into a wall* 

Dipper: *slams into wall* Owwwww

Bill: *gets new computer* let me see what pine tree is so worked up about

Bill: *starts reading*

------------2 more minutes---------------

Bill: *blushes and smirks* That was awesome

Dipper: *wakes up* oww my head

Bill: Pine tree that story wasn't so bad 

Dipper: *goes to corner* That story was so fucking bad


from: AngelaSmith997

I dare you both to feed waddles bacon in front of mable


Bill: Ok but im gonna have to get Pine tree out of the corner first

Dipper: *rocks back and forth*

Bill: *goes over* aww come on pine tree

Bill: *kisses dipper*

Dipper: *calms down* o...ok im fine *reads dare* WHAT

Bill: Whats so wrong about this dare


Bill: Oh.....well im doing it anyway

Dipper: I know i have to do it 

Bill: *kisses dipper again* You do


Mabel: *walks in* Hi B.....

Dipper and Bill: *feeds waddles bacon*


Dipper: OH SHIT

Mabel: *chases dipper*

Dipper: *runs into his room*

Bill: *watches this laughing*

Mabel: *gets near dipper*

Dipper: welp bye Bill *jumps out the triangle window*

Bill and Mabel: OH SHIT DIPPER *runs over and looks down*

Dipper: *standing there* IM OK

Bill and Mabel: *runs down* 


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