One question at a time

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Bellas pov

As soon as we got off the plane we headed towards the luggage bay. It didn't take long for us to find our suitcases as they are brightly coloured and beau has enhanced sight.

Once we collected our bags we headed towards the entry where charlie should be waiting.

As soon as we were in Charlie's sight he ran towards us and engulfed us in a tight squeeze. Of course i was starting to lose my breathe as i am quite slim and small. Beau wasnt having any trouble though.

I tried to gasp out between breathes.

"im so sorry bells!" He cried letting go of beau and i.

"Its ok cha-dad". I said almost calling him by his first name. He then started to bombard us with a billion questions.

"How are you guys? Was the plane ride nice? Are you guys hungry? Are you cold? Was the ride safe? Did you guys pack en-"

"Woah woah woah charlie settle down, one question at a time!" Beau cut him off, with her hands held up.

Beaus pov

"Sorry" he chuckled.

"We are great thanks for asking,the plane ride was annoying as someone" i glared at bella "kept whining at me to turn my music down,no i am not hungry i dont know about bella ,no im not cold the weather is nice and relaxing, the ride was safe and in case you were gonna say this yes we packed enough" i replied to all of his questions.

He smile warmly "so bells,you hungry?" He asked bella "uh no thanks dad" bella replied as she shivered. She wasnt hungry, but she was cold.

"Here" i said handing her my black and white adidas jumper.

"Thanks" she mumbled giving me grateful smile.

"No problem" i replied.

Bellas pov

Beau handed me her black and white adidas jumper. She could tell i was cold. I wasn't used to this climate, in Australia its so warm and sunny but here its cold and the sun never shows.

"What about you beau?, what if you get cold? Its pretty chilly outside" charlie asked concerned.

"Its alright charlie I'll be fine i promise" beau assured him.

"beau, you know you can call me dad now" he said.

"Dad" beau corrected herself.

"alright lets go home now and have something to eat, im starving" Charlie announced, rubbing his hands together while smiling brightly.

The car ride home was quiet and long. Once we got there i saw that the house was a little renovated inside i saw there was another room added and bathrooms.

"Bells you're on the right, beau on the left" charlie called out to us from in the kitchen.

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