Goddess vs God

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Beaus pov

In a split second he lunged toward me. At the exact moment when he was about to grab me, I moved.

I jumped up into the trees as he composed himself again. He closed his eyes and took and deep breath in. Snapping his eyes open he spotted me on the large branch in the large oak tree I was perched on. I flashed to the opposite side of the clearing, then pounced on jaspers shoulders. He knew i was coming, as he flipped me over and threw me in the air.

I landed on my feet, gripping the ground with my hands to stop myself. I snapped my head up and growled at my mate. Anat had been scratching , clawing and rattling in her cage, itching to be set free. I knew she needed a release and to have some fun with our mate.

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath letting the goddess of war come out to play.

Anat's pov

Ahhh freedom......I havent been let out since that mis-understanding with our mate.

When I re-opened my eyes, I noticed my major was out and lookin' oh so fine. He flashed forward and gripped me by my waist turning me around so my back was against his chest, and whispered in my ear, slowly and seductively.

"Hey baby girl. Long time no see. Y'al lookin' awefully happy" he whispered. "Its a shame I have to ruin your reign when i beat you" he added and I could hear the smirk in his sexy southern accent.

I flipped myself around and wrapped my arms around his neck, pulling his face towards my own. "Not if I have anything to do with it" I winked, before I disappeared in the trees again.

Our time sparing with each other went on for a good hour. He ended up winning in the end which ended in us making love with each other right there in the clearing. Everyone left to give us privacy though. I enjoyed being in the arms of my mate. I know i dont have long as beau is already itching to come back.

"I love you" i whispered, placing a kiss on my majors lips before I faded into the darkness of my cage and the back of beaus head to watch. The last thing I heard was

"I love you too, my Darlin'."

Beaus pov

When I came back I could see jasper was slowly gaining control again.

"Hey, angel'." He whispers placing a kiss on my forehead. I smile up at him and kiss him back, but on the lips. The kiss is full of passion and love, it just melts my heart thinking how lucky I am to be able to have my mate here with me. It is very rare for someone to find their other half. And I am forever grateful that I have found mine.

So as I lay here thinking about the battle coming up, i cant help but to think of all the possibilities. What if jasper gets hurt or worse........ killed? What if he was surrounded by gifted newborns and I wasn't there to protect him? I couldn't bare to live without him in my life. He meant too much to me, if he dies I would die with him.

Sensing my distress jasper wraps his arms around my bare body and sends me some calm and his love for me. I sigh In contentment as I send my love and devotion back. He smiles down at me before placing a chaste kiss on my lips.

"Whats got you so stressed and worried, Darlin'?" He asks me, his voice full of concern, worry, curiousness and love.

"You, you have got me like this. What if I loose you during the battle. I cant live without you ,I need you to be in my life. I need to know that you are safe and I cant let you die. If you did, I wouldnt be able to cope. If you died I would willingly follow you, not before i torture the being whom killed you first." I state, clearly getting upset as unshed-able tears formed in my eyes.

Jasper got a pained look on his face as he reached his hand up to wipe the tears from my eyes. "Dont worry, Darlin', I will be fine. You just need to worry 'bout yourself. But if it makes you feel any better, i will be by your side the whole time. I wouldnt be able to bare life without you either, and I would willingly follow you, too. But if I ever did die, I want you to move on and find someone else-" he started but I cut him off.

"Never! You are my one and only. Nobody else. You are mine. I would never be able to love somebody, as much as I love you" I say shaking my head violently.

He seemed to see my state of distress and worry, as he sent me all his love and his grip on me tightened as he placed kisses all over my face.

I giggled and bell like sound and sighed in contentment as my mate and I enjoyed each others presence.

~~~~~~~~~~time lapse~~~~~~~~~

Beaus pov

Today was the day, the day of the battle. I knew that with me and my major here, we had the odds in our favour. With jasper and I Previously being one of maria's recruits is quite handy, especially since we were her favourites, and she told us all her moves, secrets and tactics.

I dreaded the thought of losing my ares. I knew that if we were together we were unstoppable. I know my major would protect me at all cost, and I would do the same. I will protect him with my life.

As I made that vow in my head I hadnt noticed that Jasper was talking to me.

"You listening, darlin'?" He asks me, his accent coming out thick. I stare at him like a school girl with her first crush. I still cant believe that after all these years he still has an affect on me.

"Eh" was my genius answer.

He chuckled at my lack of attention. "I was just asking if you were prepared for today?" He asks with a small smile, although I can sense his worry.

I return his smile and place myself in his lap, wrapping my arms around his neck. "Im pretty sure. Everyone is well trained and we have each other. Im not leaving your side throughout the whole battle. I need to make sure you are safe and protected. So im not going anywhere" I told him with a worried smile on my face.

He smiled and leaned down to place a kiss on my lips. I felt the usual tingling sensation run through out my body as our lips connected. "Neither am I" he replied as he pulled away. Stopping only inches away, our lips only the slightest part apart.

I leaned forward pressing my lips to his again. We had no need to hide our desire for each other. We were alone in our soundproof bedroom while the rest of the family were either out-back training or hunting to keep up their strength.

Yesterday during the day peter had told us the time and where abouts maria and her army would be. We were supposed to meet her at five thirty this afternoon. It was only early in the morning, around three o'clock.

After about three hours of jasper and I making love and marking each other a few more times, we headed down to see the family.

We spent a few more hours training and then hunting before it was time......

The battle will be in the next chapter. I also have the next few chapters already written I am just doing a tiny bit of editing and writing more chapters. Thats all I do in my free time; read and write. I don't really watch TV anymore. Please leave some suggested jasper and bella books or even books you have written and want me to check out.




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