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Jaspers pov

"This is it" my captain announces.

I have a quick look around, taking in my location. I realise that this is the very same clearing I asked my beautiful mate to marry me. I could feel Beaus recognition as well. All of the wolves are in their wolf form at the moment during their training a few more phased. They had agreed to fight with their pack brothers. The denalis were with us along with a nomad named Garrett. Kate found her mate in him and he agreed to fight too.

Peter had told us our bitch of a sire would be here in 1 minuet.

We assembled ourselves in our places, with beau and I at the front with peter and Char flanking us. Everyone else was separated out but not too far. All the males stood slightly in front of their mates. Peter also stood in front of Elle slightly who was near the front,as she was one of the more skilled fighters and that since maria and her newborns didn't know of wolves, we would have the element of surprise. So we hid the wolves, for now.

'Keep and eye out for her new second, David. He is her plan B. He can teleport, and she is using him as her escape plan. He is one of our main priorities, along with maria' beau thought out to us right before maria and her army came into our line of sight.

She stopped about fifty meters away from us. Her army was scattered out all over the place. She had a male, whom im guessing was David, flanking her.

"Well, well, well" maria started. "Its lovely to see you again, my major" she purred. Beau hissed at her which caught marias attention.

"Ahhh Beau" maria spat her name out. I growled at her but all she did was turn and wink at me. "I always knew you would turn on me. Just like my major here. You were always a bitch.
I only kept you because you were a prized fighter of mine. I never liked you, you bitch" she seethed.

I hissed and was about to lunge when my mate put her hand on my chest, stopping me.

"Dont you dare! Call my mate your major. He's mine!" My sexy as fuck mate growled, while inducing pain on our so called sire. She may have turned us into what we are, but she will never sire us.

Maria dropped to the ground in pain screaming out in agony. A few of her newborns started to run towards us but somehow maria managed to hold her hands out to stop them. They all retreated back to the spots as Beau slowly took the pain away. I knew beau didnt want this fight to be too easy.

Maria composed herself as she began to talk. "I tried to be nice. I tried to go the easy way for you. But, no, not anymore." She said before holding her arms out signalling for her army to attack us.

A few newborns came charging straight towards me, which I easily took care of. I looked to my right and saw Beau was was easily taking care of herself, occasionally looking in my direction to check up on me, before turning back to her fight.

Off in the distance i saw maria standing off to the side, watching her army with no emotion playing on her face. I charged straight towards her, but got stopped by her new second in command, David.

"Im going to have fun killing you. And when your dead im going to tell everyone that I killed the god of war. I will run away with your girlfriend and fuck her everynight, i will make her scream my name" he taunted. Saying stuff about me is fine, but you will get in deep shit, but talking about my mate makes you a dead man walking.

The major ripped through the bars of his cage and came out to play.

Majors pov

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