You're invited

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Beaus pov

"I beg your pardon?" I say using my 'I'm the queen' voice.

"My apologies, Mistress" they all say correcting themselves.

I let out a small, angelic giggle. "Im only joking" I say. Jane lets out a sigh of relief as she flashes forward embracing me in a Bone crushing hug.

"I missed ya', sis" I say squeezing her.

"I missed you, too" she replies.

When janes releases me, I am bombarded with the rest of the guard. When Alec comes to hug me its longer than the rest. His feelings for me have developed over time, but he knows I dont feel the same. Jasper lets out a low warning growl in alecs direction.

He releases me and looks up, an irritated expression written on his face, while jaspers showed fierceness.

Black smoke started to descend from alecs palms, as he gets ready to somewhat fight my mate.

"Alec" I warn. He instantly complies with what im saying, as the black smoke gets soaked up by his hands.

"Everyone" I announce to the guard/ my other family.

They turn their attention to me. "I have something to announce" i say as I go stand by jaspers side. They all have a confused look on the face as they see the display happening.

"Yes, mistress?" Demetri asks.

"This...." I start, looking at my ares beside me." my mate, Jasper whitlock" I finish.

"Jasper whitlock, as in the god of war, jasper whitlock?" Alec asks, his voice trembling slightly as he recalled what had happened a few moments ago.

"The one and only" Jasper smirks with a devious look on his face.

"It makes sense" jane says.

"What does?" Demetri asks. Janes looks at demetri lovingly. What is going on there? I think to myself. I will have to consult with her later.

"That they are mates. Our queen, here, is known as the goddess of war. It only makes sense that she is mated to the god of war." She says. I smile and nod at her.

"Right you are" I say. "And........we're getting married!" I half squeal half talk normally.

"Oh my god!" Jane squeals as she embraces me in another hug.

"And you and your kings are invited" Jasper says. I look at him and smile one of the brightest smiles I have ever smiled. It would have been the brightest but better things have happened. Like when jasper first told me he loved me, or when we first made love, when we first found out we were mates, and of course when he proposed to me.

"Oh yeah, oh yeah. We are invited to beau-eaus wedding uh-huh uh-huh-huh" felix chants while shuffling slightly.

We all crack up laughing while felix continues.

"I will send you guys an invitation soon" I say.

They all nod, smiling like idiots. Then all of a sudden I remember why they are here in the first place.

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