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Edwards pov

As i stood outside of Bella's house leaning against the hood of her car, i could hear charlie inside on the phone to someone. I decided to tune in as i waited.

" i understand, Chief Swan" i heard a females voice say.

"We need to stop these killings, Mary.
The killer is heading closer to town, we need to protect our people." Charlies' husky voice spoke through the phone, voice full of authority.

" we will do our best, sir" the female known as Mary said.

" ok, i trust you to do so" charlie replied before hanging up.

I will have to discuss this situation with Carlisle later. As i looked up i noticed Bella watching me through her window. She had a smile that wrenched across her beautiful face. She shook her head smirking at herself and I. I grinned at her tucking my hands in my pocket. She walked away from her window and got ready.

As we pulled in to the school parking lot, i noticed the family was already here. I parked next roses' bright red BMW and hopped out walking around to Bella's side before she could get out. I opened her door for her and waited until she got out before closing it again. I tucked her under my arms before we made our way into the school building.

As the bell rung signalling every that school has started, Bella and i made our way to our first class of the day. Biology.

As we entered, i froze. I was forcing myself not to crouch down in front of Bella in a protective stance. Bella - noticing my alertness- looked up into my eyes silently asking me what the problem was.

My eyes darted around around the room looking for the danger, the danger of my mates life could be at risk with this other being in the room, vampire.

My eyes landed on the female with long, straight black hair with red tips. She had brown contacts on covering the crimson colour of her eyes. Her skin was an olive tone and her body was well shaped. Her clothes were approvable, showing that she wasn't just someone from the bush. A smile etched at her lips as her eyes found their way to mine, she had a set of emotions playing behind her. They seemed to be nothing of love of lust, nothing like a mating thing - from what her thoughts told me. She looked to be excited and worried. I could tell from the thoughts she was thinking, that she wasn't a threat.

I straightened myself out a bit and continued to walk over to my seat with Bella trailing a little whiles behind.

The female vampire sat at the lab to our right. She watched us closely, as if she were expecting something, odd.

'I see she hasn't told them' the vampire thought to herself. 'That makes me feel a whole lot better' she thought to herself again, sarcastically. Who is the she, she is talking about? I thought to myself. All i knew is that i would soon find out. As the bell rung, Bella and i were about to leave the classroom when that vampire girl jumped out in front of us extending her hand out for us to shake.

"Hi!" She gleamed at us.

" um...... Hi" Bella said, cautiously grabbing the girls hand and shaking it.

"My name's Eliana" the gleaming vampire girl said. "Please call me Elle or Ellie" she added.

"My name is Bella" my mate introduced herself. "This is my boyfriend" Bella said gesturing towards me.

"Hello Eliana, my name is Edward Cullen" i introduced myself in my gentleman like manner.

" oh i know, i know both of you" she said with a grin.

"And how would that be?" I questioned, starting to get worried that she had been following us.

"Its my gift, i know every thing about one person, once i've come with in hearing distance. I know their name, age, how they were changed and their whole human life. Where as they probably don't remember a thing about their life before this." She told us.

"Wow" Bella breathed out. "Thats amazing" Bella concluded.

"I guess" Eliana said shrugging it off as if it were nothing. It turned out Eliana had our next two classes together.

As we made our way to our casual spot in the cafeteria i couldn't help but worry . What if the family were disapproving of this new vampire?, what if they don't trust her like us and judge her before they get to know her?. I was cut short of my thoughts as the rest of the family made their way over to the table.

"Puppy?" Beau asked the new being at the table.

"Goddess!" Eliana yelled before rushing over to beau - at human pace- pulling her into a bear hug.

"I havent seen you, forever" beau emphasised the word forever.

"Its been to long, goddess" eliana said.

"Goddess?, puppy?" Emmet laughed out in questioning.

"They're the nicknames we came up for each other during the wars" beau said.

"Wait, you were in the war with beau" jasper said pulling his mate tighter into his arms. Beau snuggled up against his chest. They both purred in contentment at the feeling of their mate being in their arms.

"Yes" ellie answered.

"She was my second in command at the time, kristy was my third" beau announced to us. "Ellie -along with peter and char- helped me escape. I told elle to come with me and kristy, but she refused saying that she needed to retrieve something. She told me to go, to go and live my life and that she would see me soon." Beau paused and chuckled "then again that soon turned out to be over 100 years." She paused yet again glaring at her second.

Beaus pov

Seeing my second, Eliana, for the first time in over 100 years brought venom to my eyes.

"Elle became my second in command but she was also my best friend and sister. At first she annoyed the heck out me, following me around and all. Thats how i came up with the name puppy because she always followed me like one." I paused and chuckled, remembering how she would sometimes end up losing a limb or two from bothering me, but she never stopped trying. "Soon enough she broke through my vault like walls And we became real close".

"At first i was drawn to her by a bond, a tight friendship bond. At first i didn't get it but then i got a glimpse of her human life. At the time i couldn't remember my life but seeing hers brought back my memory" Elle paused, looking at me briefly silently asking me for permission to tell the what happened. I nodded my head approving her request.

"It all started when we were five......."

Cliffhanger. When i don't update I'm usually editing my other chapters, always changing a few things here and there. Chapters would be up sooner than usual but we don't have wifi/internet at my house. Crazy, i know. So i always write my chapters when i have no internet , then post them when i do.




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