Home Life

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Another school day in Iwatobi high. My eyes had dark circles around them, and I was constantly drifting off into my own land. And, yes, it is somewhat normal, but it has never been this bad. And I am pretty sure it's because of what happened last night.

Last night, 9pm:

"Onee-chan..." I heard as I was about to leave my little brother's bedroom. 

"Yes?" I replied, turning the light back on.

"Can you stay with me? Mom usually does..." he whimpered. I sighed and turned off the lights once again. I ended up leaning against the small bed and waiting for him to sleep. It took about 10 minutes and Kaito fell asleep. I stood up and walked into the kitchen. I prepared our lunches for school tomorrow, since it didn't seem like my mom was coming home anytime soon... After I made the lunches, I realized I had to finish my homework. 'Great' I thought rubbing my forehead. I looked outside and there was no sign of this 'parent' coming home...

I was doing my homework, and when I was finished with one subject I looked to see that it was 12:30 am. 

"I'm not even close to finishing!" I growled to myself. I picked up my phone to see if Haru had called. Nope.

Now it was 2:00 am, and I was finally finished with school work. I sighed and lay on my bed, until I heard the door slam, downstairs. My eyes opened, wide, and I stormed downstairs. 

"Where the hell were you?" I asked angrily. 

"Don't talk... to your mother like that..." she slurred, slightly swaying back and forth.

"A-are you drunk?!" I shouted. 

"Don't raise your voice.. at me, young lady!" she shouted even louder. 

"Why should I respect you when you can't even act like a mother?! Nearly every night I am the one looking after Kaito. I am the one making lunches and I still go to fucking school! What kind of mother are you?" I cried, letting some tears escape from my bright red face. 

"Can't you just.. shut up?" she growled, almost punching me. I luckily dodged her because of her aiming being terrible since she was drunk. 

"Go to bed, Mayu..." I sighed, walking back to my room. 

"You cannot... tell me what to do," she slurred while possibly growling. I rolled my eyes and stomped into my room, slamming the door shut. She ran after me, kicking and punching at the door. I basically face planted onto my bed and cried. It took about 30 minutes for her to be quiet and go to her room. I then heard a small knock on the door. I could hear crying... It was Kaito.

I opened the door immediately and hugged him. "What's wrong, Kaito?" I asked bringing him into my room and shutting the door. After I walked into a brighter light I could clearly see that Kaito had a bruise on his cheek. 

"M-mommy hit me..." he cried. He had a stuffed animal in his hand and hugged it tightly as he cried. 

"Kaito..." I started, tears starting to fill my eyes. I had to be strong for him. If I cried, it would just be worse for him. 

"C-can I sleep with you?" he said in between the constant tears. 

"Kaito, of course you can," I smiled as much as I could and sat on the bed. He followed me and immediately lay down and covered himself in a blanket. He cried into one of my pillows and I lay next to him, stroking his dark brown hair. He faced me and I could see his face being bright red. I hugged him tightly and he lay his head on my chest. 
"Sssh, it's okay... We will fix this, okay? I promise I won't let her hurt you again..." I whispered. He wiped his eyes and attempted to sleep. I then remembered that music was something he loved. I quietly hummed a lullaby and he slowly fell asleep. 

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