We all need someone, right?

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I went to go get my brother from his school, since that's what I had promised to do... And Haru was with me. Most of the walk was silent, because neither of us knew what should've been said. Makoto told Haru about my home situation and I honestly didn't want people to know. I don't need people to see me as the vulnerable and emotional one. 

"(Y/N), what are you thinking about?" I heard Haru speak suddenly, which interrupted all my thinking. 

"Oh nothing! Just what to make for dinner tonight," I replied, trying to brush off the question with a smile. 

"Oh. Ok," he said. He knows it wasn't true, but he knew it wasn't best to get into it. 

"What were you thinking about then, Haru?" 

"You," he said bluntly. I didn't know how to respond to that. 

"I-I don't understand-"

"You don't need to. You just asked what I was thinking about that's my answer," he shrugged. I mean, he wasn't wrong. I was still curious though. 

"What if I want to understand? People don't usually just say that, Haru," 

"Well.. What else would I think about? That's all I thought about since you were gone, even now that you're back why should I stop? We all missed you, (Y/N)..." 

"Onee-chan!" Kaito, thankfully, interrupted. I didn't know if I could take anymore of that. 

"Ah, Kaito! Did you have a good day at school today?" I asked, opening my arms for a hug. He hugged me and let go to make eye contact with Haru who was standing next to me. 

"Yeah, but who's this guy?" Kaito said, pointing at Haru. 

"Kaito! You need to be more polite!" I said pulling him away from Haru, "Kaito, this is Nanase Haruka. He is one of my friends from school," 

"Nice to meet you, Kaito," Haru said, being respectful, yet you could tell he wasn't happy about being interrupted before. 

"Is he your boyfriend?" Kaito whispered to me.

"WHAT? NO!" I almost shouted. Kaito laughed and held my hand. 

"You're weird. Let's go home," he said, starting to walk. 


"Thank you for walking home with Kaito and I, Haru," I smiled, bowing my head slightly. We had just reached our home and I prayed that my mother wasn't home. 

"It's nothing... Do you want me to come in?" Before I could answer the door was opened by my mum. Shit. 

"(Y/N), Kaito! Welcome home!" My mother said, in a weirdly cheery tone. I was pretty scared by this random tone but then I notice that there was some men in suits in our house standing in our kitchen, "(Y/N), who's this? Is this one of your friends?" she asked. 

"Mum, what's going on?" I asked suspiciously, gripping onto Kaito's hand tighter. 

"What do you mean? Everything is fine! Come in, come in!" she said, standing back letting us in. 

"Kaito when we go inside, go to your room," I whispered. He nodded, too nervous to ask why. We all walked in, including Haru. Kaito rushed to his room and shut the door. The men looked at Kaito with concern and then back at my mother and I. 

"(L/N)(Y/N)?"One of the men asked, taking out a piece of paper. I nodded, my hands shaking. Haru looked at me, sensing I was nervous and held my hand. I looked at him but he was staring at the men in the kitchen. 

"I'm Gachi Hideo, part of a child services program. We got a call from your brother's school talking about an injury on his face, seemed like it was from some sort of abuse. We've already talked to your mother and she recalls you hitting your brother last night-" 

"Hold on... She said I hit him? That is complete bull shit. I would never do that, that's my fucking brother! My mum's not even in this house most of the time! She's always out drinking until she comes home shit-faced and violent!" My mother was about to shout at me in response, but Gachi Hideo or whatever interrupted her. 

"Calm down, miss. We need to talk to you privately please, (L/N)(Y/N). Can you come to this room please?" He said, walking with the men behind him. I felt myself shaking even more than before, but I was frozen on the spot. My heart was beating faster than it ever has before. 

"I'm coming too," Haru said with a stern look on his face. 

"Young man, this has nothing to do with you," my mother growled at him. 

"(Y/N) needs some sort of support. Seems like her mother can't, or won't, give it to her, so as her friend I'm going to help her," He said pulling me into the room with the child services staff. 

Hello there, Hana here. As you can see, I haven't written in this story for a long time, and I'm sorry for that. I just haven't had that much of a motivation to write in this for very long. My good friend started reading this and for some reason wants me to continue it. So you can thank them for that I guess. Life is pretty busy right now but I'll try my best to finish this soon. Thank you for your support for this still. 

Peace out my dudes

- Hana 


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06, 2017 ⏰

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