SUSPENSION {Chapter Three}

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Tabitha pulled herself up and out of the bed. She vigorously hit her alarm clock to try to go it to stop. It finally shut off and Tabitha smiled. She walked over to her freshly filled wardrobe and pulled out a pair of grey jeans, a beige frilly bottomed vest top and then her favourite brown cardigan.

Tabitha grabbed her plain grey shoulder bag. She chucked in her pencil case and reading book. Tabitha dropped her bag heavily to the floor and quickly made her bed before picking the bag back up and leaving her room.

She bound down the stairs and chucked her back next to her shoes. Tabitha then proceeded to the kitchen and found Smith making some toast. 'Morning.' Tabitha said sitting down and watching Smith prepare the food.

'Good morning.' Smith turned around and placed the food in front of Tabitha. 'Eat up. We have to leave in...' Smith pulled his wrist up and rolled back his sleeve. He studied his watch for a few moments and looked back up to Tabitha. '...five minutes.' Tabitha smiled and dug into her food.

Once all the food had been devoured by Tabitha's hungry stomach, she stood up and walked over to the dishwasher. The dishwasher door decided to protest but Tabitha finally pulled it open forcefully. 'Damn washer.' Smith turned and laughed at her.

'You are a bit clumsy aren't you?' Tabitha looked up at him and gave him an unimpressed look. Tabitha turned back to the dishwasher and slid her plate in. Tabitha pushed it closed and looked up to Smith.

'I get that from you.' Tabitha smiled and walked to the door way. 'Come on slow coach.' Tabitha heard the dishwasher open easily and then she heard it close. Smith walked down the hallway and smiled at her happily.

Tabitha slung her bag into the small car and followed it. Smith closed his door and so did Tabitha. The car came to life and Tabitha quickly belted up before Smith pulled out of the drive.

Snow had fallen over night and made everything look white. It made Tabitha's eyes go funny. She blinked and looked out of her window. She began to take a mental note of the route to school. Smith stopped the car and leaned over Tabitha to open her door. Tabitha looked at him. 'Thanks.' She jumped out of the car and stared up at the school.

'I'll pick you up later. I'll be right here.' Tabitha turned around and grabbed her bag. She closed the door and nodded at Smith. She removed her hands from the car and took a step back. Smith put the car in drive and sped off down the road.

Tabitha turned her head and looked up to the school. She guessed that the reception would be the first place to start. She looked around and saw a large entrance. Tabitha began to walk to the doors. Charlie walked past her but stopped when he recognized her. He tapped her shoulder and Tabitha looked up to him, he was at least four inches taller than her. 'Hey Tabs.' Tabitha shook her head.

'Why call me Tabs?'

'It's a cool nickname.' Charlie's friends stopped behind him and looked directly at Tabitha. Tabitha caught them looking and ignored them.

'If you say so.' Charlie laughed.

'Just go up there and talk to the receptionist. Your dad already came in and signed you up. You need your locker number and schedule.' Tabitha nodded and thanked him. He turned away and began chatting and walking with his friends.

Tabitha continued to walk up to the school. She opened the doors and strolled over to the receptionist's desk. The woman looked up and smiled at her. 'Can I help you miss?' Tabitha snapped away from looking around the large reception area. She looked down to the woman and smiled back.

'I'm Tabitha Parkman, new student.' The woman fished around her desk. She found what she was looking for and pulled it from under a book. She handed it to Tabitha.

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