Four weeks had passed since Chris had arrived, since Tabitha had seen Charlie and Chris fight and it had also been four weeks since Tabitha and Charlie had kissed. The drunk kiss, well the half drunk kiss. Tabitha had been kind of sober, she knew what she was doing. Charlie didn't want to but couldn't help himself.
When Tabitha finally returned home Chris had shouted at her and so had Smith. She found herself trapped, she felt abused. Tabitha wanted to get away from them but they were always there. She had not spoken to Charlie and it was killing her inside. Chris had even taken it upon himself to enroll at the school and be in all Tabitha's lessons. She could only exchange painful looks with Charlie.
It was library. Tabitha took her seat, next to Chris, and near Charlie. They were so close they could touch. Tabitha had sent a few messages to Charlie but Chris had taken her phone and looked at them. The only person Tabitha was allowed to talk to was Lou. Chris and Lou had become friends and Tabitha had told him about what had happened and what was happening but Lou said he couldn't help.
The teacher told them to sit and read and Tabitha did so. But sometimes she'd smile at Charlie. She liked being close to him but that was as close as they got. This time Charlie whispered something to her. Tabitha covered her face with her book. Charlie repeated and she nodded. Tabitha got up from her seat. Chris tugged at her. 'What are you doing?' Chris whispered. Tabitha shrugged him off.
'I need the loo. Can I not go to the toilet Chris?' Chris swallowed and looked back to his book. Tabitha went to the librarians desk and asked the toilet pass. She handed it over and Tabitha left the library. She went into the toilets and waited for Charlie.
Charlie stood, Chris glared at him. Charlie went to the desk and got the male toilet pass. The librarian handed it over and Chris stood. He went to the librarian. 'Can I go to the loo please?' Chris was staring at Charlie leave.
'You will have to wait to that young man gets back.' Chris hit the desk. 'Can you not do that young man?' Chris glared at her and went back to his seat. Chris knew that they were up to something.
Charlie looked around before entering the bathroom. That was the first time he had come up with the idea of meeting in the toilets. With the only two toilet passes for the library they could be alone. Charlie needed to talk to her.
Tabitha ran up to him when he entered the bathroom. She threw her arms around him and held him close. Tabitha began to cry. Don't be weak. Charlie looked down to her and stroked her hair. 'What's wrong?' Charlie said quietly.
'Chris and Smith are being really protective. I can't get a moment without them.' Tabitha looked up to him. He wiped her tears with his thumb. He leaned down and kissed her forehead. 'I've been really sick lately and they think I'm pregnant with your child. I doubt I'm even pregnant but they are making my life a living hell.'
'How could you have my child?' Tabitha shrugged. She took a step back and used her sleeve to dry her face.
'Just another excuse I guess. Just another bloody excuse to keep me away from you.' Tabitha looked down to the floor. Charlie lifted her chin and brought her to his lips. They exchanged a light kiss.
'Come and live with me.' Tabitha's eyes fluttered. This time she was considering it greatly. But then she thought about how her father had been so happy to see her. He had given her another chance. And the fact that she had seen Charlie turn into a large wolf. The two were great factors holding her back.
'I'll think about it.' Charlie nodded and kissed Tabitha again. Tabitha smiled.
Chris opened the front door for Tabitha. 'Thanks.' Smith smiled and hugged Tabitha tightly.

Messing up the Wolf
WerewolfWhen Tabitha Parkman's mother dies and she has nothing left for her in England, Tabitha goes to live with her father in the coldest part of Canada. There she meets a boy named Charlie Flynn. They are drawn to each other. Charlie wants to make her h...