Chapter One

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Okay. You can do this. He looked in the mirror, he looked even worse than usual. He had bags under his eyes from lack of sleep, his hair was stringy and a total mess. He was a total mess. His Dad got a new job at the Dadly Depot, which apparently payed more money then the Dadly Depot he was at before. Where John was very happy, he knew everyone, he wasn't going to be a stupid loner who sat in the back of the class. He cringed at the thought of it, when bullies used to call him loser, or made fun of his teeth. The Dadly Depot doesn't pay for braces, he would mutter to himself. He splashed water on his face and brushed out his hair. He gave himself this goofy grin which made him laugh, that's better.

After breakfast, John walked to school. He walked, trying to keep a positive attitude towards his inevitable fate of returning to hell for another year. It was an elite private academy. He couldn't wait to see all the rich snobs scoff at him and his Walmart button up shirt and KMart jeans.

He approached the beautifully landscaped lawn set in front of the school that looked more like a castle. John eyed all the students sprawled about the carpet of green. With shaky legs, he treaded on to the marvelous brick building. When he reached the grand stairs leading to the main door, someone caught his eye. A boy and his sister were both sitting on the marble steps.

The girl was kind of pasty and had short blonde hair. Her face was heavy with dark makeup that complemented her purple knee socks. She seemed like the stereotypical "goth girl," but John was never one to judge.

The boy beside her was another story. He had messy blonde hair that was elegantly stroked over his eyes, which were covered by a pair of slick black sunglasses. John was... intrigued by this mysterious cool vibe he was giving off. This boy, also had red headphones around his neck that were reflecting the rays of the sun. He had this expression on his face like, I'd rather be at some concert than here. John couldn't turn away from the pair, especially the boy. So lost in a confused daze, he forgot he was still walking and rammed right into someone...

"Ooof" John was taken back by the sudden collusion. He realized he was on the ground. Looking down at him was a girl with a giant smile plastered on her face.

"Hi! Need a little help there?!" The girl was giggling. Her green eyes, kind and sharp, were sparkling with delight behind glasses that were too large for her head. Some strands of her long brunette hair danced in the gentle breeze. John noticed colorful bands on her fingers, but decided not to question them.

He scratched the back of his head out of embarrassment. "Oh god... I-I'm so sorry. I'm new and lost a-and-"

"Oh don't be silly you're fine." She held out her hand, " I'm Jade Harley by the way!"

"I'm J-John." He said as he took Jade's hand.

"Got a last name, John?" Jade pestered. She hoisted John up to his feet.

"Egbert." John fixed his zaffre blue eyes on her green ones. "John Egbert."

"Well John," Jade's smile widened. "let's not be late for class! I'll help you find yours!"
They exchanged schedules and walked in the school to their first class. That wasn't too bad. He thought.

As Jade led John though the building he couldn't help but worry

What if he's in my class? What if I try to talk to him? How would I talk to him? What if-

"We're here!" Jade's voice broke John out of his thoughts. He spotted the back of a blonde head. His head. The blonde boy was in his class. His face got hot and he felt sick to his stomach.

"...fuck..." He whispered.

"John?" Jade turned to John, who was standing in the door way in shock, her eyebrows furrowed with concern.

"Oh! Yeah, right! Class! Hehehehe....hehe..." John frantically tried to gather his words but it just wasn't working. Jade scowled at him, then giggled. She took a seat in the back. John quickly sat with Jade and waited for class to start. He slumped forward and rested his head on his desk.

Oh fuck...

JohnDave (Modern AU) {Part One}Where stories live. Discover now