Chapter Three

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On their way to 2nd hour, Jade and John were silent. John didn't want to break it. Jade on the other hand, felt like she needed to ease the tension.

"You sure seemed happy when you found out Dave was your partner." Jade pestered.

John rolled his eyes, "I mean yeah!  Dave seems pretty cool, like a nice, chill guy.  I just always like making new friends, you know?  I get way too excited about stuff like that." 

"Oh!  If you say so," She giggled. "People like me?" 

"Hell yeah!  You are super awesome, and I've only known you for like.."John checked his watch. "Shit!  We're late!" 

They ran to their next class together, huffing and puffing by the time they reached English. Dave wasn't in this class, John was thankful.  He tried not to let him ruin his day with worried thoughts about his hair, or when their hands touched.

Stop it. 

They had assigned seats, he was in between the boy in sweats and the girl with a missing eye.  The teacher gave them time to talk among  the people in their row.

"Hey.  I'm Vriska," The girl said. She then pointed to the boy  "This dweeb is Karkat.  If he's swearing he's probably just being a little shit to himself.  Ignore it." She held out her hand, which lingered for more than it should've "Well?  I won't bite!" 

"God are you that fucking stupid." Karkat pointed his finger angrily at her. "She bites."

She pulled her hand away and flicked Karkat's back. 

John awkwardly laughed, and Vriska smirked.  "What's so funny, Egbert?" 

"You guys are amusing, is all.  Never made friends like you before." 

"Woah.  Slow down speedster," Karkat spat.  "I never  said I was your fucking friend."

John looked at him quizzicly.  Vriska laughed, "I'm  your friend John.  That means you've got my back, right?" 



Lunch soon followed, and Jade and John found themselves sitting against the wall outside.  They were both too scared to go inside the cafeteria, plus it was peaceful outside, even though it was boiling. 

Dave walked out from a building moments later and Jade waved him over, he smiled a bit and sat down across from them.

"It's so fucking hot, guys."  He wiped his forehead, "But anything beats the cafeteria." 

He pulled out some Doritos and offered them to John, "Want some?"

"Yeah" John took a handful and Jade stole some of John's, "Thanks!"  and they both munched quietly.

Dave looked over to John, "So, Science Buddy.  You wanna come over after school to exchange notes and shit?" 

John's heart skipped a beat, "S-sure!  That would be great."

"So Jade," Dave asked as he handed her some Doritos, "who's your  science buddy?" 

She sighed. "He's... something.  That's for sure." 

Dave laughed, "So I see you're stuck with Mr. Karkat Vantas himself." 

They all started to laugh. 

Maybe school won't be that bad. 

After school John met Dave by the soda machine.  His heart couldn't stop thumping and his stomach was in knots. 

It was wonderful. 

"Yo Egbert."  John turned to see Dave leaning against the wall. His sister was standing with Kanaya under a tree. "Let's get going, my house isn't too far away." 

"Is Rose coming?"

"Oh yeah.  But they're going to the library first."

So it's just going to be us. 

They walked to his house in silence until Dave spoke up, "You're silent." 

"Oh yeah... I guess.  Just a lot to take in, you know?"

"I get it." He handed John an ear bud, "Here." 

John took the earbud and felt instantly connected with Dave.  Like it was them and the music.  Nothing else.

"Music fills in the empty space, sometimes, quiet is violent."

They listened to quite a few songs before Dave stopped the music.  "This is it." 

John looked at the bulding.  It was a tattered looking apartment complex. Grey was the only color he managed to pick out. It was a tall and had tiny widows evenly placed in rows.  

"We have the roof too, it's pretty nice." Dave stopped walked for a second. John wondered what was going through his mind then, but before he could come to a conclusion Dave said,  "Come on, let's go."

John followed Dave through the carpeted hallways under flickering lights.  They let themselves in.  His Bro, as Dave called him, was sitting watching American Ninja Warrior and paused the TV when they came in.  "Dave, who's this?" 

"John, my science bud-partner." John bit back a smile. "He's chill, we're going to my room." 

"Okay.  Just keep it down and don't get anyone pregnant." 

John blushed and Dave just shrugged his brother off, and Bro started to laugh. 

"Just ignore him." 

They entered his room, Dave sat on his bed, and John sat next to him. 

"Nice room."

"Thanks.  You wanna listen to some sick beats?" 

John nodded and Dave pulled a record out from a red crate and started humming.  It was Nirvana. 

She eyes me like a Pisces when I am weak...

Dave came back and sat next to John, closer than before. So close, John could catch his scent.  He smelled like sweat and green apples.  Dave laid back on his bed. John turned his body so he was facing him.

...I've been looked inside your heart shaped box for weeks...

"Do we even have any science to do?" 

"Nah Egbert." Dave grabbed John's hand and pulled him down. John's heart stopped. Still gripping his hand, Dave said softly, "I just wanted to spend time with you..."  

Dave stopped talking, never letting John's hand go. They let the music fill the silence. 

...I've been drawn into you magnet tar pit trap...

JohnDave (Modern AU) {Part One}Where stories live. Discover now