Chapter 1

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"Pencils down. Pass your quizzes up to the front." Said Satan- I mean Mr. Wallace. Nah, I mean Satan.

I heard a few groans from around the classroom, myself included. This guy thinks he can just throw a pop quiz at us and get away with it... Well, he is actually going to get away with it, this time. You see, I would stand on my desk and spew obscenities at him, but the last time that happened, I was put on probation. One more incident and I'll be expelled.

I know that if I get expelled, my brother would be pissed.

I quickly folded up my blank test and flew the paper airplane straight at the back of Satan's head. Once I did, I heard a few students chuckle. He whipped around, eyes immediately glaring at me. Why would he ever assume it was me? I'm just an innocent girl, trying to learn about- wait, what class is this?

"BLAIR WINDSOR!" He screamed at me.

"Why do you always assume it's me? Why not, say... Jamie?" I replied, motioning to the quietest girl in class. Her eyes turned wide and she dropped her head to the desk with a loud 'thud.' That must've hurt...

Satan didn't respond, but he just stared at me with a blank face.

"Message received..." I mumbled.

"Why are you still talking?" He snapped at me.

"Because, we've managed to waste about," I looked at my imaginary watch, "Three and a half minutes on absolutely nothing." I finished and smiled sweetly.

He sighed and mumbled something under his breath way too loud. "Why did I ever become a teacher? Why didn't I become a Taco Bell cashier like mother always wanted me to?"

Suddenly, I heard yelling coming from the hallway. I watched in amusement as two laughing guys ran by holding something in their arms. Probably some nerd's clothes from the locker room. That one's a classic.

Not too long after, I heard "GIVE THEM BACK! C'mon, guys pleeaasee?!"

What I wasn't expecting, is that they didn't steal some scrawny nerd's clothes. This guy looked like he could beat both of them up - blindfolded. Oh yeah, one more thing, he was only wearing batman boxers... Now, I am not one to stare, but in the brief moment that I could see him pass by the door, I was going to take this as my chance to take a look. To say the least, I was not disappointed.

After some more yelling, the guys ran by the door again, but in the other direction. Just as the "nerd' was about to pass by again, Satan closed the door. You see? This is why I call him Satan. This is why.

"That is ENOUGH disruptions for today." He exclaimed why shooting a glare at me, specifically. 'What up, motherfucker?' is what I wanted to say to him, however I didn't because I'm improving. Are you proud of me, mom?

"What up, Bitch?" I said casually. See? I told you I was improving!

He didn't even get upset, which - I'm not going to lie - made me a bit disappointed. "Hello Blair." He responded bluntly. It seems that this guy has had enough of my shit. Does that mean I am going to stop? Absolutely not! This is too fun!


After about fifteen more minutes of me making stupid remarks during Satan's lesson, the bell rang. I hopped out of my seat, and walked out of the classroom. I tried to hold in my laugh when I saw the same guy standing awkwardly in the middle of the hallway, using his hands to cover his nipples, like a girl.

He still didn't get his clothes back? That's just brutal - this coming from a girl who duct taped a teacher to ceiling and forgot about him... for a few days... That duct tape stuff is stronger than you think!

At this point, the hallway was completely full and people were laughing and taking pictures of the poor guy.

I kind of felt bad for him...

Blair you did not just say that.

Yes I did.

No, you didn't.

But, I-


I just-

Shut the fuck up.

I inched towards my locker. I have an extra set of my brother's clothes because he used to have issues with, um, wetting himself... Anyways...

Don't do it Blair.

I slowly began to click the first number of my combination.

You do not care about him. This is not you.

Second number 'click.'


Third number...

"Hello. Umm, are you Blair Windsor?" I whipped my head around to see a half-naked teenage boy standing before me with hopeful eyes.

"Yeah... So?" I replied with caution. Why isn't he afraid to talk to me?

"Uhh, I have a question- err favor- err" he stuttered, his voice cracking on every other word. Never mind. He is definitely afraid.

I cut him off, "Spit it out! What do you want?" I demanded.

He visibly gulped. "I've heard that you're sort of the bad girl of the school and I was wondering if-"

"Sort of?" I cut him off again, staring at him with a bored expression.

"I mean, you are the bad girl of the school, and I was just wondering if you could maybe..." He paused and took a deep breath. "Teach me."

"Teach you what?"

"Teach me how to be a bad boy."

A/N: Hello there! And welcome to Teach Me How To Be A Bad Boy! Would you like some refreshments? A Pepsi, perhaps? Ginger Ale?

Thank you so much for reading the first chapter. I hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I did writing it. :)

I will try to update as frequently as possible. Probably every other day.

If you enjoyed please vote/share. Also, I love reading comments, so please don't be a silent reader. Especially if you notice a grammar mistake, please point it out so I can fix it as soon as possible. I won't get mad if you correct me. :)

Until next time... Bye!

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