Chapter 6

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"W-what is it?" Daniel stuttered, nervously.

"Shh," I put my finger to his lips, "don't question it. Just let it happen." I smiled and led him to my motorcycle.

He warily strapped the helmet onto his head and hopped on behind me. He wrapped his arms around my waist and with that, we sped off.

"Can I open my eyes, now?" He whined. I laughed and continued to lead us to our destination.

"I never told you to close them in the first place, stupid."

"Oh, yeah I knew that..." He trailed off.

When he opened his eyes, I forgot to tell him about the curb, so he tripped and fell, onto the sidewalk. However, it wasn't a normal trip and fall. He looked like a ballerina flying through the air and spun around so he didn't fall on his face.

Now, usually, I would laugh my ass off in this situation, but I didn't. He brought me down with him.

I know what you're thinking, 'Aw... I bet she fell on him and they looked at each other longingly, and instantly fell in love.'

However, that's not exactly what went down. When he tripped, he tried to use me as balance, thus throwing me to the ground and using my face as an ass-cushion. How romantic.

"Get the fuck off my face or I'll..." I mumbled from underneath him, though I'd be impressed if he actually understood what I said. He rolled over and smiled at me.

"What the hell are you looking at?" I asked as I brushed off my Twenty One Pilots shirt.

"Oh, nothing. Nothing at all..." He responded a little too quickly.

"Okay..." I replied, suspiciously.

"So, you took me on a 45 motorcycle ride to come to a gas station? Also, my butt hurt from that fall." He added.

"Oh, I'm sorry, did my face hurt your ass? Poor Daniel." I retorted. "And no, we didn't come all this way for a gas station. I actually needed gas."

"Oh... Well alright." He said a bit surprised. How surprising is it that a girl needs gas?

"Okay, now you stay here. I'm going to go inside to pay." I stated.

I walked into the gas station and payed for my gas. But of course, I got a Snickers bar, too. Because, 'you're not you when you're hungry'. Just as I placed my candy and money on the counter, I heard a girly scream come from outside. The gas station attendant looked alarmed.

"Don't worry, he's with me." I assured him.

"He??" He questioned. I snorted and nodded. He handed me my change, and I swung the door open, only to see Daniel sitting on ground with his head between his knees, rocking back and forth. I attempted to hold back my laughter.

"Hey Daniel, what's hanging, buddy." I shook his shoulder. He jumped at the human contact, but then returned to his fetal position.

"W-w-well t-there w-was t-this g-g-guy, and-" His voiced cracked on every word.

"Spit it out, child!" I demanded.

"He threatened to take my money and he said he had a gun so I gave it to him and now I'm here." He spoke so fast, that I just barely understood what he said.

"So, you just gave him all of your money? Just like that?" I asked, trying to hide the smile in my voice.

"Just like that." He looked up at me and frowned. "Why are you laughing?! I just got robbed!" He exclaimed.

"No, you didn't..."

He furrowed his brow. "What do y-" He started.

"Nathan! You can come out, dude." I called.

Suddenly I saw my best friend jogging out from behind a bush.

"THAT'S HIM!! THAT'S THE GUY! BEAT HIM UP, BLAIR!" Daniel shrieked while pointing at Nathan and trying to hide behind me.

Nathan just laughed. "I don't believe we've been properly introduced. I'm Nathan, you must be Daniel." Daniel winced as Nathan held out his fist.

"Daniel, don't be rude." I scolded him like I was his mother. I saw a fist slowly emerge from behind me. Nathan bumped it and continued talking.

"I'm not going to hurt you, bro. You see, Blair asked me a favor a few days ago, and it seemed like fun, so, why not. Oh, here's your wallet by the way." He said, handing Daniel his money.

Daniel, had suddenly gained his manliness back - as if he had any in the first place - and angrily snatched his wallet from Nathan.

"Who pissed in your cup of coffee.." Nathan mumbled but then smiled at me. "So Blair, are we still going to the fight tonight? I heard that some kid from out of town thinks he can beat Jonas... Boy, does he have another thing coming."

"Jonas? Who's Jonas? Fight? Are you guys in some sort of club or something?" Asked Daniel eagerly.

I face-palmed. "Nathan, I'd love to come watch with you, but I really don't think," I subtly pointed to Daniel, "he could handle it."

"Hey! What's that supposed to mean? I can handle it! I don't know what it is... But I can handle it!" Daniel exclaimed.

"You really think so?" I questioned him.

He nodded and smiled.

"Okay... I guess we could go." I said unsure.

"Yes!" Nathan and Daniel celebrated in unison.

A/N: Hope you enjoyed chapter six! I know I haven't updated in a week, but I think that's how things are going to be. I will try to update more often but they will most likely be weekly. School just started and I already have tons of homework so... I'll try.

Anyways... Vote/share and please comment on what I could do to make this story even better. I love to hear your feedback.

Until next time.. Bye!

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