Chapter 10

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"It hurts... Really bad..." Daniel complained in my ear.

"I know that, and I'm sorry. But you'll have to wait until we get home. So until then, shut the hell up!" I've been driving twenty miles per hour over the speed limit ever since we left the skating rink. Honestly, I'm not surprised that we haven't been caught. I mean, how many cops are just cruising around at this hour? Not many, hopefully.


Once we got home safely, I rushed Daniel in quietly so Derek didn't hear us. I had to shove a sock in Daniel's mouth so he didn't wine every time we went up a step.

Once we got up the stairs– which seemed to take forever– I sat him down on my bed. My grandmother was a nurse so she always had a big first aid kit in the linen closet.

I sifted through the box until I found some sutures and stitched his wound as best I could as fast as I could so his pain would be over. I didn't have any sort of anesthetic to numb the area so he just bit down on the sock I gave him earlier.

When I was done, I cleaned the area and wrapped it in gauze. After he'd calmed down, he spit the sock out and took several deep breaths.

"How does it feel?" I asked him quietly.

"Like Lucifer himself had stabbed me in the ankle with a red hot fork. Repeatedly." Daniel spat at me.

"I'm really sorry. I had no intention to-" I started apologizing.

"Shut up. We both know it was an accident. I'm not blaming anyone." He waved his hand off. I sighed and quietly left to get an ice pack from downstairs. I made sure to skip the eleventh step, as I know that one creaks the loudest. I learned this after many years of sneaking out late.

When I came back, Daniel was stretched out on my bed, his foot propped up on a pillow. "So... This is what it's like." He said, looking at the ceiling.

"This what what's like?" I questioned and gently lay the ice pack over his ankle. He winced at the cold touch but continued.

"This is what it's like to be a bad boy." He said the last words in a deep 'manly' voice.

"Umm, no. This is what it's like for a ten year old girl who had a mishap at figure skating practice." I corrected him trying not to laugh.

He huffed and whispered, "I am so not a ten year old girl."

"Prove it." I challenged.

He shrugged and pulled down the zipper on his pants.

"No! That's not what I meant!" I slapped his shoulder and he zipped his pants back up.

"Your loss." He smiled up at me. I was now standing next to my bed that he was completely hogging.

"Move over." I instructed.

He looked down at his foot and carefully scooted to his left while clenching his jaw tightly due to the pain.

"Okay stop, I can't watch this." I told him and he looked up at me with a grateful grin.

"Thank you." He breathed out.

"I'll just have to move you myself." I walked over to the other side of the bed and positioned my arms underneath him.

"Woah, woah. Are you sure you can do this? I don't want you to hurt yourself." He asked incredulously.

I glared at him. "I won't." I lifted him just slightly with ease and dropped him at the edge. I have a large bed so sharing is no problem.

Daniel stared at me awkwardly as I circled the bed to my side. What? Is there something wrong with a girl who lifts? Excuse me.

I flicked the lamp off once I was situated. Once my eyes adjusted to the darkness, I looked over at Daniel who was still staring at me. When he noticed me looking back, he reflexively turned to look at the ceiling.

What a strange being he is.

A/N: HEY GUYS! So I'm really sorry that I haven't updated in quite a while and that this chapter was pretty short. I don't have an excuse other than laziness.

Oh, and I'm also working on another book so that could be why.

For those in the Supernatural fandom (can I get a WOOP WOOP), I've been writing a collection of Destiel (Dean + Castiel) one shots.

Even if you're not in the fandom you might like it because it's cute and gay.

Alrighty I'm done. (And those who actually read my A/Ns get a free cookie!!!)

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Aug 09, 2016 ⏰

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