Chapter 2

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"You what?"
"I've been pushed around my whole life, and I have decided that I have had enough. Please teach me." He looked at me with puppy dog eyes. HA! He actually thinks that will work on me.

"Why would I help you? What's in it for me?" He shot at him.

"I am a straight A student. I could tutor you in calculus. I know you need the help because Mr. Wallace won't shut up about you being such a slacker in class."

I stared at him, quietly for a few moments. Was I actually considering this? Really, Blair? This isn't you.

"Deal." I finally admitted.

"Oh, thank you so much!" He squealed and began to move closer to me. Oh, no. He's not going to hug me is h-

"Let go of me before I rip your arms off and staple them to your forehead." I threatened as he embraced me.

He immediately let me go and awkwardly looked at the ground - still only in boxers, mind you. I sighed and opened my locker. I took my brother's extra set clothes and threw them at him.

"W-what is this? Where'd you get these?" He stared down confused, as if he had never seen a hoodie and black jeans before.

"Just shut up and put them on." I snapped and slammed my locker. My last class had been Mr. W- I mean Satan. So, pretty much everyone had left the school now and the last people were myself and- wait, I don't even know his name.

"Hey, what's your name?" I asked him.

"Daniel Parker." He stated while pulling the zipper up on his pants. He pulled the shirt over his head and slowly walked towards the door alongside me. Suddenly he stopped and facepalmed.

"Shit! Those douche-bags took my book bag, and my keys were in there! Dammit Dammit Dammit!" He exclaimed.

"Oh... well that must suck!" I replied while walking out the front of the school.

He looked up and smirked at me. Well, it was sort of a smirk. It looked more like a constipated grin, to be honest. We will have to work on that, for sure.

"Do you think that you could give me a ride so we can begin working today?" He asked hopefully.

"Sure, if you want to take Pearla." I shrugged.


"Here she is!" I said proudly when we reached my Honda VFR1200F. His eyes immediately lit up.

"No way! She's beautiful! Let me guess, 2010?" He guessed without taking his eyes off of the bike.

"Yup! Now are we going to sit here and admire her or can we go now?" I asked impatiently.

"Oh yeah!" He excitedly hopped on my bike and grabbed the handles. Oh, hell nah.

"Very funny, Daniel. Now get up or else I'll-" I began to threaten him but was rudely interrupted.

"You don't have to tell me twice!" He leaped off and motioned for me to sit down.

"Oh yeah, by the way, I only have one extra helmet and it was my little sister's. It will probably fit you." I lifted the seat and handed him the Tropical Barbie helmet.

"No way. I am not wearing that. Nope. Absolutely not." he refused.

"Well, in that case, you can walk home because I will not be responsible for your death. I can't have anymore blood on my hands."

"MORE?" He gasped incredulously.

"Hah, I'm just kidding... maybe." I said the last word just loud enough for him to hear. He ripped the helmet out of my hands and strapped it under his chin.

"R-ready." He whimpered and his voice cracked. I laughed at his fear and strapped on my helmet.

I revved the engine and sped off to my house. He mentioned that he wanted to start today so, why not? I had nothing better to do, honestly.


"So this is your house, huh?" He asked, a bit amazed.

It was a small house. It sort of looked like an grandmother's cottage - which it was. My brother and I were raised by our grandmother, and when she died, we inherited her house.

"Why? Were you expecting broken bones and bloodstains?" I questioned him sarcastically.

"No. I guess I just didn't expect to be so-"

"Don't say it." I warned.

"-cute." He beamed and walked up to the front porch.

He said it. Sigh.

My brother was home, but he was either in the basement with his band, or in his bedroom with his girlfriend. Due to the strange quietness, he was probably with his band. Yeah, they haven't come up with a song yet so his so-called "jam sessions" usually consist of him and his friends singing karaoke while getting drunk together. Best friend goals, right?

As we walked upstairs, we passed a collection of family portraits. Oh dear God, please no.

"There is no way that is you!" Daniel laughed while looking at a picture of me eleven years ago, when I was seven years old. I had on a Minnie Mouse dress and my pigtail braids were lopsided.

"Was. That was me." I corrected him and dragged him upstairs to avoid any further embarrassment.

"OW! EAR! THAT IS MY EAR!" He yelled in pain as I continued until we reached the top.

I smirked. "I am well aware."

Once we got to my room, he straightened himself and I released my grip on his ear.

"You know, I was beginning to think that I had lost the bad girl Blair, but nope, she's right here." He said as I stared wide-eyed at my room. I decorated it when I was 16, so it still had band posters, neon graffiti on the walls, and more random band merchandise.

"Yeah... I decorated it a couple years ago, so it's kind of childish." I admitted and sat down in my spray painted office chair.

"It's kind of..." He began.

"Weird? Scary? White-trashy?" I suggested.

"Well, I was going to say awesome, but yeah, that too!" He finished cheerfully.

I punched him in the arm playfully but he winced. My mouth dropped. "Are you serious?" I questioned, amazed.

He slowly nodded, disappointed. "I can't take a punch, much less throw one back."

"Okay, you're worse than I thought. We'd better get started." I paused for a moment but then slightly bent my knees and held my fists up. " Lesson One: Self Defense."

A/N: I hope you enjoyed the second chapter! If you did, please vote/share!

Also, please don't be a silent reader. I love comments! I even appreciated constructive criticism.

Until next time... Bye!

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