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I'm gonna do a long chapter!

I wake up, where am I? I hear laughing in another room. I look at me and I'm in a night gown. I slowly walk out the door and see Alexander and Jacks. I growl, catching my attention. I run and jump on Alex bringing him down I punch his gut as Jacks watches in horror. I look at him with fire in my eyes, I run after him and do the same to Jacks. "W-what was that for?" Alexander chokes. "YOU CHANGED MY CLOTHS! YOU SAW ME IN MY UNDIES?!" I scream kicking his side. "Oopf..." He chokes. "We didn't change you!" Jacks coughs them both still on the ground. "I did..." I turn to see a girl with purple hair and ears stand in the doorway. "Oh thank god..." I sigh in relief. I gasp, "did you see-" she nods. "Yes I did, I'll keep it a secret." I nod thankfully. "Rina?" I hear a squeaky little kid voice. Then out pops a kid with blonde hair, ears, and tail. She has a small toy in her hands. "Sunny, this Faith." 'Sunny' looked at me and smiled. "You found another one?" She giggles runs up to me and hugs my legs. "Awe!" I crouch down to her level. "Hi!" I smile, she giggles. "Hi! I'm Sunny! Are you a wolf too?" She tilts her head side ways. That's so cute! I hum a yes and nod. "Yay!" She giggles again. "Look at Alex staring at Faiths booty! Ew!" She jumps up and down. I gasp, I turn to Alex blushing and smiling cheekily. I slap him on the face. "Ooooooh!" Sunny giggles out. I smile at her, and whisper "your lucky there's a kid here." He blush more.


After speaking to Sunny and Rina, we decided to watch a movie. Sunny wanted Nemo so we put it on. Sunny was in my lap, giggling. She giggles so much but it's too cute. "Nemo! Nemo! Nemo!" Alex and Jacks chanted as Nemo tried to swim against the current (you know the part when the other fish send Nemo up that tube In the fish tank) "wooooo-" the scream but stop when Nemo gets stuck. "No!" They scream. I roll my eyes, men! "There gonna get him out!" Sunny said determined. "You go Sunny!" I high five Sunny and stick my tongue at the boys. The do it back. I smile, this place is homily. It was dark now so I decided to go home. "Bye guys!" I scream through the house. "No!" Sunny runs up to me and hugs my legs. "Don't leave I'll miss you..." She starts to tear up. "Me too!" Alex smiles at me. I smile back, I crouch down to Sunny's level. "I'll be back." I smile and kiss her cheek. "Why can you live here! We have another room!" She cries. "Yeah!" Alex and Jacks shout. "Oh, I don't know..." I say. "I think about it!" I smile, she smiles back. "Okay bye Fwaith!" She says my name cutely. Alex takes Sunny's spot, "you know you can live here?" He smile in hope. "Like I said... I'll think about it." I grin at him. "Want me to walk you home?" He asks, we are in a forest... "No I'm fine." I kiss his cheek and shift. I run and take one last glance at Alex he smiling and touching the spot I kissed on his cheek. I run off.


I get to the gates and shift. I go into the gates and get tackled with a hug. "Oh my gosh faith you scared me!" Evan says into my shoulder. I chuckle, "it's okay!" I say looking into his brown eyes. "Uh... You remember earlier when I asked you a question? And was cut off..." I nod and smile. "We'll I was gonna ask if you wanted to go on a date?" He smile. I hesitate, but nod. He nods as well. "Tomarrow? I'm off that day." I nod again. "Great!" He laughs walking around the corner. I hear stuff shuffling. I turn around to Evan dancing whispering "yes! Yes! Yes!" I giggle. He sees me watch him, he blushes and finally walks away.

- (tomorrow)

I wear a dress, that goes to my knees it has brown red and white. It has big sleeves and a bow, I love it. I hear knocks on my door? I tuck my ears into my ponytail. "Hey!" I open the door to Evan he has a suit on, and a red bow tie. He looks super cute. He gives me a Rose, I close my eyes and smell it. "It's wonderful!' I smile and kiss his cheek... It doesn't feel right. "Shall we?"

(Skip date)

Now me and Evan  are just joking around. He throws a strawberry in the air and tries to catch it in his mouth. He catches it, "ha get on my level!" He smiles. "Awe, but why would I want to go down?" I giggle as he stares at me wide eyes. "Well played Miss White." I nod "indeed Mister Smith!" I lean on his shoulder. "Your hair tie is beautiful!" He points to my hair tie that has a red butterfly on it. He pulls on it. I falls off making my ears pop out. He gasp, he backs up. "W-what?!"


A/N: who do you ship? Faith and Alexander? Or Evan and Faith! Make some ship names!

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