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"S-sunny?" I cry. She nods, I can't! I hold my head crying. She holds my back, "what's wrong?!" She asks. "SHES GONE SHES GONE!" I sob, she looks at me with tears eyes. "W-what?" She says soft. "SHES DEAD!" I scream my ears flopping around. She backs up holding her head. "No, no, NO!" She cries next to me. I hug her tightly, she cries on my shoulder. "I wanna visit her!" She cries. "V-visit her?" I asks, she nods. "O-okay." I say getting up, I help her up.


(Skip the telling Aphmau, and the horse ride there.)

I flint the portal, it's green partials fly around, I look at Mayren (her name) "ready?" I ask, she nods wiping her eyes. We walk in, I open my eyes. I'm back home. I'm kinda scared, Alexander is here and so is Zenix's, here probably looking for me. "Sh!" I whisper, she nods. "Can you shift?" She nods again. I shifts she follows. Her small little pink wolf forms. I dash, she follows behind. I smell for anything, nothing. I run towards Sunny's grave. Seeing her grave is gonna make me cry, I know it. I see the willow tree in the distance, I look and see Mayren is still there. We finally get there, and I see... Rina there, she is crying. "Rina?" I whisper, Rina's ears perk up, she turns to me and sees me. "ALEXANDER I FOUND HER" she screams. Oh no. "Run!" I scream to Mayren. We run back to the portal, I'll do anything to not get caught by them. I run with her next to me. I turn and see Alexander's wolf behind me, I push myself faster and faster. I see a portal, it's different though. I didn't care, I run, but trip. Alexander jumps in top of me. He shifts, "your not getting away." He whispers. I shift, "please?" I ask, I see Coda behind him. he thinks, then nods his head. "I'm coming with you!" He says getting up, I look at him hoping he won't. I sigh, and walk in the portal, a bright light shows, with a figure, I can't see its features but it looks like a girl. I open my eye. We aren't In the same place as before, I see Alexander and Mayren having the same expression on there face as mine. "What was that?" I ask. 'Did you see that lady.' I nod. "I don't know Faith." Alexander says. "We're in Pheonix Drop's Forest... But it's not the same." I say not seeing the tree I placed my stuff before. "Maybe we should investigate!" Mayren says cheerfully. "I think we should go back." Alex says grabbing my hand turning around. There was no portal. "We should head to Pheonix Drop..." I say grabbing Coda petting his head. "Let's go!" Mayren says skipping around. I smile.


We have been walking for a day, nothing exciting happened. It was turning night and Mayren is getting tired. I set up a blue tent with the help of Alex, Mayren played with Coda. "Faith?" Alex asks not looking up and doing his work. "Yeah?"

"Why did you leave?" He asks looking up at me. My breath hitches, I shake my head. "This isn't the ti-"

"Why did you leave?" He says in a demanding voice. It scares me. I flinch, "I thought I was the problem, I was the reason Sunny died. I can't forgive myself, I won't forgive myself." I say resisting a sob. "Your not the problem!" Alex shouts throwing the stuff in his hands. He is scaring me. "Y-yes I am-"

"NO YOUR NOT!" He screams loudly. I flinch, a tear slips my eyes. His eyes soften. "I'm sorry." He says, I shake my head. I look at him and at Mayren, she looks at me sadly. I walk away. "How could!" I scream, when I was far away from them. I sob, why do I live like this.

I shift running away, I smell... Other wolves? I towards them, I see a small little pup. 'Hello?' I ask it. 'H-hi?!' It looks at me hiding behind a tree. 'I'm good.' I say slowly walking towards him. 'I'm Faith.' I say. 'I-I'm Yip.' He says. 'Hi Yip. Are you lost?' I ask, he nods. 'Wanna come with me I have friends there.' He nods hesitantly. I grab his neck, it doesn't hurt him. 'I'm nice, remember that.' He nods.


I walk back, I see the tent made. I shift. I grab Yip, looks at me amazed. "I'm a werewolf dot be afraid." He nods. "Alex? Mayren?" I shout. I ope the text and see a note. 'Hey Faith, I'm sorry what I did. I was mad that you think you were the reason she died, you weren't. Anyways me and Mayren went hunting for food, be back later.' I chuckle. "There not here, I say let's sleep." I smile. He nods, I lay down, I hear a tussle outside. I slowly get up, "sh." Yip nods. I walk toward the bush. It Russell again. I quickly spread the leaves, there stood a happy Coda. "Coda?" I grab him. 'Hey Faith!' He smiles. "We're you here the whole time?" He nods. "Wow Coda" I pick him up and walk inside the tent. Small Yip was scared of Coda. "Yip this is Coda, he is nice. Don't be scared." Yip looks at me. I chuckle. I grab both Coda and Yip to my side. I cuddle up with them. "Goodnight." I smile. 'Goodnight!' Coda says, Yip licks my cheek. After 30 minutes, I fall into wonderful sleep.


A/n: now wait for FerVel6 to post the next chapter, for her P.O.V

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