Brown to White, And The Brown Wolf

385 16 9

(Mia in the pic)

I look at the huge gates, there I was... We're finally here! I smile widely, it took more then a week to get here. And now I'm finally here. "Hump! Faith is here!" River shouted. River grabs my hand and run towards a huge castle. "Lady Mia! Lady Mia were here! I have Faith!" River says, I hear a thump and footsteps. And beautiful lady with white hair walks around the corner. She smiles walking to me and giving me a tight hug. "Hi sister!" She says in my shoulder. Tears fall down both of our faces. "Hello." I say sadly. "We need to get to know each other!" She smiles, she looks behind me and sees Alex, and Zenix. "And look! You brought handsome men! Which one is your boyfriend?" She asks, all of us blush. "N-none of them!" I say. Mia pouts. "Really? I feel strong levels of love in them... They both love you deeply... DANG FAITH!" She giggles out. Alex and Zenix blush even more. "Uh... So about getting to know each other! Heh..." I chuckle nervously as I change the subject. "Oh yeah... Right, I need to talk to you in private." She says, I nod and follow here,into a room.

"Faith... I need to let you know. That you can't let Chakes get you... If he does, you HAVE to kill your self. Your too powerful, if and when he tries to capture you, he gonna kill you so he can have power. You have so much more powerful then you think. When we change you, you'll be stronger then Maryelle. I don't know what your powers will be but... You'll be strong." She says looking at me. "W-we need to do it now... I feel he is close!" Mia says grabbing my hand and running out the room. "Now River he is coming!" Mia says going outside.

She makes me sit down and she starts to put this white power around me. She starts to sing. I look at the worried faces of Alex and Zenix. I smile at them, Mia tells me to close my eyes, I do so and quickly fall asleep.


Zenix's P.O.V

She falls, I run to get her but River stops me. "Don't do that unless you want to kill her." He says calmly. "What is she doing?" I ask, River smiles. "Giving her freedom."

I watch Faith. Her chocolate brown hair turns into a bright snow white, her whole body is changing! "What is she doing?!" I scream. Her ears and tail change. On her tail a tip of brown. She looks beautiful, Mia stops singing, and Faiths eyes open. Her eyes changed too, there green and blueish. "Hm?" She looks around. She coughs, she looks at her new white hair, it looks like Mia's hair. "W-what?!" She screams as she gets up, she grabs her tail and looks at it. "MY TAIL?! MY HAIR! MY EARS?!" She screams, her tail did grow longer.

I cough, I feel weird too. My helmet feels tight and do does my armor. I feel dizzy and fall down.


Faith's P.O.V

Zenix falls, his helmet falls off when he lands. And then I see the most crazy thing... Zenix has ear?



Anyway... I have a new book called...

All Happens For A Reason

You can search that or you can press my profile and see it in my works... (That's easier) anyway pretty please go read it! Please I love to write that book and... Yeah please read it! Love you!

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