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Faith's P.O.V

It been so different without Sunny here, we miss her smile, and giggles, and personality. No one has been happy without her. I've been in my room crying non-stop... She was so innocent.

I get from my bed, I grab small little Coda. 'Want to visit Sunny?' Coda asks, I nod. I walk outside, I see a small sunflower, it remind me of her. Everything happy does. I pick the flower smelling it, I continue walking to her grave. I see the huge willow tree in the distance. Tears brim my eye, I blink holding them back. I walk I front of her grave. I read the carved words in her stone, 'R.I.P Sunny, we all love her, her death and existence will never be forgotten. Her death will not be forgotten.' I place the small sunflower next to her grave. I stare at the stone, finally breaking. I sob next to Coda. I look up at the sky, why her.

A yellow butterfly passes me by. It spins around me landing on my finger. I small eyes stare at me, soon it swirls into... Sunny. She flys a few feet from the ground. "SUNNY!" I smile, sunny was see through. "Fwaith..." She frowns at me. "Don't be sad I died Fwaith!" She hugs me. "I'm an angel Fwaith! It awesome! I wish you'd be there." Tears fall down my cheek. "I'll always be here Fwaith, tell the others that." Sunny flies higher. "I miss you!" She smiles at me. "Please..." I choke out. She waves, and says one more sentence. "Zenix isn't dead... I love you Fwaith!" Then disappears. "I love you too..." I choke out.


I walk back to the house. I open the door. "S-sunny is an angel." Alexander looks up at me. "what?" I sigh. "When I went to her grave she was there... As an angel. She told me that I shouldn't be sad she is died, and that she'll always be here... And Zenix isn't dead." I frown. Alexander starts to cry, he hugs me tight. "I miss her Faith!"  He cries in my shoulder. "I know, we all do." I hold the tears back. "She was like a sister to me." I say. He nods. "Alex?" Alexander looks up. "Yeah?"

"We need to find Zenix."


Zenix's P.O.V

The moment I woke up I was off looking for Faith. I see the small body of a yellow wolf girl. I can't believe how many people they have killed... Even though, I killed people too. I'm lucky I have Faith to think about, because if I didn't I would still be a killer...

I see that all the guards are probably at the meeting. I take this chance to run out the castle, I can't be seen. Oh faith the things I do for you. I keep running, I see a huge black portal. I jump into it, breaking it after I'm out. "This will keep the out!" I murmur to myself. I see a small yellow butterfly, it flys by me. It lands on my nose, I feel a small sting in my body. It then flies away. I tilt my head, confused. All I know is that I have to find Faith, I'm going crazy without her.


A/n: sorry so small.

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