Goodbye Sunny

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Faith's P.O.V

I glare at the Collin I once knew as my brother. "F-faith! I'm so sorry! Let me live..." I glare at the ground. I'm not myself, no one survives. I stab him in his back. He groans, then closes his eyes and takes on last breath.

I look at Rina, she looks at me with terror. A loud ringing in my ear was heard, it hurt. I fell to my knees holding my head, it's hurt so bad. "Faith!" Rina ran towards my side. I curl up in a ball, I cry and scream. Half from the pain and half from they deaths I just had experience. "FAITH!" I heard Rina scream. "AHHHHHH!" My scream was shaky. I shut my eyes close. "Alexander I don't know what's happening?!" I hear Rina scream. "AHHHHHH!" I cry, it hurts! I fell two arms around me, I curl into Alexander's chest. "IT HURTS!" I cry, it was like someone stabbing my ear over and over, but much worst. "Shh..." He whispered into my ear. Soon the pain was bearable. But I don't stop crying. "S-sunny is dead!" I scream again. "What?" He asks. "SHES DEAD!" I point to the lifeless body of Sunny. Alexander gasps, he looks at me with tears in his eyes. "No no no no!" I nod. "She's dead..." I hug him, he hugs back. Rina and hacks join crying. "Why her!" I scream. Everyone is heart broken.


We get back home, now we are making a resting spot for Sunny... There was a small stone under a huge tree, the leave draping over the stone like its protecting it. I tear slips my face. "Sunny..." I whimper. "Sunny I don't know if you hear this but... We're gonna miss you, you were the best thing that has happen to me. We all love you, and we can't wait until we see you again. You were so happy, and bright you don't deserve this..." Jacks started to sob. "Goodbye!" I Said hearing me cry into the word. Alex placed a small sunflower on her grave. Then Rina place pendent of all of us and sunny in a huge picture. Jacks left a picture of her. And I, I left the drawing she drew a few days after I met her. It was me and her holding hands. "I'm gonna miss you.." I said sowing into Rina's arms. "Goodbye." We all said before we left. Life will be so different without her with us.


A/n: okay who cried I know I did... A lot.

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