A New Journey

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(One month later)

Faiths P.O.V

It's been a month, Zenix has actually moved in with us. But I'm scared, Chakes is going to come back, and when it happens I'm not gonna fight I will go with him... For the safety of everyone else.

'Faith! Faith!' I sigh seeing Coda run towards me, Coda isn't small anymore, he is a huge bear now. "Yeah Coda?" I ask. 'I found a book, it has your name on it...' He says nuzzling his nose into my arm. "Really?" I ask getting up from the couch and following Coda, in the library I see a golden book, I've never seen this book before.... And on the title it says, 'Your History, For Faith' I open the first page. It says...

Dear Faith, I'm someone you don't know, at least not yet. There is a war in the future, and its heading for Phoenix Drop. I need you to head towards Manki Village, it's about 100 miles north from your house. I know it's a long journey but you have to take it, if you don't the whole realm is in danger. Please, I'm here. When you see a guard state your name and they'll take you to me. Please hurry, good luck.

P.s your special... Stronger then Maryelle

Love, Sister

I re read the last part over and over... Sister? Sister?! I have a sister?! I start to freak out, I breath heavily. I'm not alone, I'm not the last person in my family. I look through the rest of the book, all the pages say 'when time comes' what does that mean. I run out the door, towards Zenix. "Hey Faith! What's that?" I shove the book in his face, he reads it as I pack up my things. My bracelet Sunny gave me, some cloths, food and water. "Your leaving?" He asks. I nod. "I-I'm coming with you!" He says. I look at him, he looks determined. "A month ago I looked for you all the time, I'm scared to lose you! Your not going by yourself." I think about it, should he come? "Okay..." I say putting the bracelet on. "Hey Faith! Zenix!" I hear Alexander behind me. Uh oh... "H-hey Alex! Buddy o' pal! Heh..." I say nervously. His smile turns into a frown. "What are you hiding?" He asks. "N-nothin!" I say. He narrows his eyes at me, I smile nervously. "OKAY IM LEAVING!" I shout breaking under Alex's gaze. "What! Why!" I hand him the book, he reads over it. "Y-you have a sister?! I didn't know that!" I shrug. "I didn't know that either." Alex looks at Zenix. "H-he's going with you?" Alex asks. I nod making a small whistle for Coda to come. "T-then I'm coming too!" He says folding his arms. I look at him. "What?"

"I'm coming too!" I sigh. "Okay... But that's it." Alex nods. Zenix puts his hand on my shoulder, "we can do this." He hugs me, I'm shocked. Why is he hugging me so suddenly. I hear Rina growl behind us. "Hey Rina!" I smile. She falsely smiles at me. "Hey.... Faith!" She says my name harshly. "Where are you going?" She asks. "Oh me, Zenix, And Alex are, going on a long trip... So can you watch sunny?" I ask hopefully. She rolls her eyes and nods. What's her problem? "O-okay...." I smile. "SUNNY!" I shout. I hear Sunny's small footsteps run toward us. "Yes Faith?" She smile. "I'm going on a trip, it's gonna be long... Okay?" Sunny looks sad but then nods. I kiss her cheek. "Okay love you!" I smile. She smiles back, she sees the small bracelet and giggles. "Your wearing it?" I nod. "Yay! BTE FAITH IM GONNA MISS YOU!" She smiles hugging me. I get up and look at Zenix and Alex. "Okay! First we need to go to Pheonix drop, we need food like apples and stuff..." They nod.


I look at the shine red apple, it looks juicy! "Excuse me are you Faith?" I man with white hair asks, he has a hat on. I nod. "Oh I'm River, um... Your sister sent me here!" He says. "My sister?" I ask shocked. He nods, and looks at my backpack. "We're you leaving right now?" I nod, then Zenix and Alex go I front of me. "Why are you talking to her?" They ask. "Uh... Mia sent me... Faiths sister," Zenix and Alex glance at eachother and spread away reviling me. River looks at are tails and ears. "Why are you showing your ears?" He asks scared. "Because we can?" I say more like asking. He takes of his hat showing white ears.... The white wolf? "Y-your-" he nods cutting me off. We need to go now... Before it gets dark, I have food.." He says grabbing me hand, you can hear Alex growl.

Another Journey?! Great

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