Down in the Holler

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Hope everyone is enjoying! Thank you for all the positive feedback! What do yall think about Oliver?

I was doubled over with my hands on my knees, panting like a damn dog! "Why... Must... We... Always... Run?" I asked. "Well because I'm on a mission Woman." He responded with a smile. Once I caught my breath I layed in the grass streching out my arms. Oliver sat next to me and pulled out a cigarette. I shot him a surprised look and he offered me one. I'm not sure why, but I took it. Damn peer pressure. Well he offered but didn't push.

He smiled and shook his head as he lit it for me. I sat cross legged and he rested his elbows on his knees. I studied him while he smoked. He had a great jaw line, and an tattoo on his neck of an eye ball. Face it Ireland he is hot. He had a face of stone and I knew something was wrong.

I startled him when I kicked his foot, "What are you thinking about?" I asked softly. "Uh nothing really... Just my parents." He said. I wasn't sure if I should push anymore. But me being nosy, I did. "What about em... If you don't mind me asking?" I said before taking a drag off my cigarette. "They used to bring me and my brothers out here, before they um... Left." I didn't know what to say so I just nodded.

We were silent for awhile, then he offered some more information on his family. "When I was 8 my parents took off. My older brother, Ace was 19 and was joining the Marines after graduation, but he came home from school and seen the note.

Ace, take care of the boys. Our choices have caused enough pain so we decided now was a good time to go. We don't want Oliver and little Ben to remember us that way. We love you.     -Mom & Dad

"So that's it? They left an 18 year old to take care of two children? Why?" It was hard to keep the anger out of my voice because I knew what it was like when parents weren't around.

"They were drug addicts. Ben was only 2 and he's had alot of medical issues from my moms drug addiction while she was pregnant." My heart broke for the Reed boys.

He continued, "They were good parents, but they had trouble of they're own. I don't remember it being too bad. But Ace does, Ace got it all worse than me and Ben."

I scooted closer to him and put my hand on his arm and my chin on his shoulder. He looked at me and smiled, but his eyes didn't. He was quiet once more. I could've fallen asleep from how peaceful it was out here. I felt my phone buzz and I answered with out looking at the caller ID.

"Hello?" I answered. "Where the hell are you and you better not say you got on a bus to Chicago!" My mother yelled into the phone. Fuck. "Mom, calm down! I'm with a friend." I responded. "Well get your ass home. NOW." She snapped. And she hung up.

Oliver looked at me waiting for an explanation of what just happened. "Today has been great, and I appreciate you being so nice. But I gotta go or my moms gonna flip a tit." I said while pouting. "Alright, let's head on back." He reached for my hand and helped me up. We joked about the day and I tried not to ask any questions about his past.

We got back into town and he said, "Where am I taking you, Woman?" I rolled my eyes at his nickname and said "I live right on the outside of town, turn right on Genesee rd and its the farm house on the left." He shot me a strange look before saying,"You sure its a right on Genesee?" "Listen Dude, My grandparents have lived here since I was in 3rd grade. Its a right. Trust me." He laughed and nodded, agreeing with me.

He turned where I said too and he pulled into the drive way. "I'll get out here. Thanks again for today. I'll see you Monday!" Before I could shut the door he yelled "Hey Woman! What's a guy gotta do to get your phone number!"

I opened the door again and wrote my number on the back of a business card for a tattoo shop, I found in the cup holder. He smiled when I handed it to him. I shut the door and waved as he drove off.

I watched in disbelief as his jeep slowed about a quarter mile down the road and turned into a drive way. He got out and waved, and smiled obnoxiously. He went inside and shut the door behind him.

Then I realized Oliver Reed was my neighbor.

I know things got a little depressing in this chapter, but I promise it gets better!

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