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My mind was still blown when I walked in the house. Nan jumped because she was watching me through the window. "So I see you've met Oliver." She said with a wink.

"Yes Nan, he's pretty nice." I responded. She nodded frantically "He's so sweet and he helps your Pa a lot around the farm." This guys is just everywhere I turn!

I walked upstairs heading straight for my dresser. I pulled out my black cropped leggings and a big T-shirt that went to my mid-thigh. I put my hair up in a gigantic bun, and finally sat my ass in bed.

I was exhausted and almost asleep until my phone rang. "Hello?" I answered groggily. "What are ya doooooing?" Asked Pistol. "Trying to sleep ass hole." I stated. She huffed and puffed for a second before saying "I'll pick you up tomorrow at 5 o'clock, we have big plans." I didn't trust her about this. But fuck it. "Okay, I'll be ready." I heard her gasp at my response. "'re.... You're not protesting? I always have to beg you!" She was shocked. "Eh fuck it." She laughed at my carelessness and hung up.

Pistol and I have been best friends since birth. Her Dad and my Dad grew up together and were close for a long time. Pistol doesn't even need an explanation for her behavior, because her name says it all.

She's a little taller than me but not as curvy. A wild mass of chocolate curls and shining brown eyes. She was beautiful, but simple.

I heard a knock on the door and before I could answer My dad came in. Drunk. He looked at me and pointed a finger, "You better not be hanging out with that Reed Boy. He ain't a good guy and he won't be pulling his shit with you." I just gaped at him. And he left as obnoxiously as he came in.

Lou called me down for dinner and I huffed and puffed the whole way down. I didn't want to eat with my parents because I'd absolutely flip out. But thankfully they went out.

I loaded food onto my plate and sat down next to Nan. I didn't talk much and I didn't listen much either. I cleared my plate quickly and went back to my room. Lou needed to hurry up because I had some questions to ask.

I was scrolling threw twitter and I got a text from a random phone number. That's weird. I opened it and it was Oliver. Hey..I hope you actually enjoyed today. Cause I did.

I thoughtfully typed out my response, Dude, it was really great. Happy Mr. M picked you to show me around. I sent it and my stomach flipped.

Lou finally came up stairs and I instantly bombarded her with the questions nagging in my head. "What do you know about Oliver Reed? And why does Dad hate him?" She raised her eyebrows and smirked "Well, he's a hell of a lot better than his brother, Ace. He works with Pa a lot and I'm not sure what Dads problem is."

My Dad pretty much hates everyone so I guess that was a valid answer. I got a text and I just about died when I read it. Come see me Woman, I miss you already. I had a face splitting grin and Lou grabbed my phone. There was that nickname again "Ohh would you look at that. Got a lover boy already!" She teased. I giggled as a hit her with a pillow. "Oh shut up! What do I say Lou?!" She thought for a minute then smiled "Tell him you can't right now, but you'll see him around, it'll drive him crazy." So I said what she told me too and I decided I was going to bed.

I know this is a short chapter, but I'll try and have more tonight!

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