Slumber Party

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"Ireland, this is the guest room, the bathrooms right there." Andrew motioned down the hall. "Thanks," I said while pulling my PJs out of my bag. I went to the bathroom and put my hair up and took my makeup off. I changed into black cotton shorts and an old ratty cheer leading shirt from my middle school back in Chicago.

I jumped a little when I went back to the guestroom, because Oliver was making the bed in his underwear. "Um what are you doing?" I wondered. That sounded more bitchy than I wanted it too. "Just making the bed, unless you wanna sleep on it with out sheets?" He questioned. "Oh well thank you. I don't need that many pillows tho." I stated as he piled about 4 pillows on the bed. "Well I need two when I sleep." He explained as he crawled in bed. My mouth fell open and I didn't know what to say.

"You gonna stand there all night or are you going to bed?" He asked while holding the blanket open for me to get in. Were sleeping together... I mean the same bed. "I... Uhh. Hold on." I barely managed to say as I left the room. Fucking Pistol

When I finally located her I drug her into the bathroom. "What?! What is so urgent!" He hollered. Apparently I interrupted her and Andrews "special time" if you know what I mean. "Was it planned for Oliver to be my roomie tonight?" I hissed. Her eyes bulged and she cracked up. I mean really laughed, tears and everything. "No it wasn't. At least I didn't know, but don't act like you don't lovvveee it." She said while wiping her tears away.

I wasn't really mad. But I didn't like the idea of my friend shacking me up with someone! "Well I just wanted to make sure you weren't up to something." I said. I stood outside the door for a while. Trying to sike myself up for the night ahead of me, And how awkward I knew I'd be.

When I opened the door Oliver was messing with the TV. I walked past him and stood on the bed. "What are you doing?" I asked causally. "Trying to fix this damn TV. Its starting to piss me off." He said with a sassy tone. Well okay Sass Master Supreme. He wasn't in a good mood, and I picked up a pillow thinking of how funny it would be to throw it at him. But before I could finish my thought, I watched the pillow hit him right in the back of the head.

"I'm so sorry." I said while having a fit of laughter. He turned around and says, "did you really just do that?!" I could tell he was trying not to laugh. "Uh yeah I think I just did." I smarted back. "Ohh its ovverrrr." He said as he lunged toward me. I shriked as he almost caught me. We basically ran in circles laughing like idiots.

He had me cornered and I knew I should give up. He put his arms on either side of me, "Now your trapped, Woman." He grinned. I looked to the door and he looked too. I ducked under his arm and he wrapped his arms around me and tackled me to the bed.

We just stared at each other. The energy between us cackled. "Looks like I got you now." He whispered. "Well I suppose you do." I whispered back.

"I really like you. I just... I don't know. We've only really known each other for a short time. But I'm just so comfortable with you... I just..." He admitted. Wow I liked him too but I just didn't know how to say it. I was smiling like an idiot that was for sure. "I like you too Oliver. And I know what you mean. You're pretty awesome." I stated.

Then he kissed me. This kiss was different than it was at the party. It seemed like it held a promise. Something more than a simple kiss. We kissed for what seemed like forever. He didn't try anything and I respected him for respecting me.

After we just curled up in bed and cuddled. My body seemed to fit perfectly with his. It seemed natural to be near him. I fell asleep listening to the sound of his heart beating to no particular rythem.
This was one of my favorite chapters to write! I hope y'all are enjoying so far!

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