Going on an Adventure

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After lunch Oliver actually took me to class. Which was Art. I sat down next to him and he pulled out some of his work. He was talking to Spike and I helped myself to his folder. Looking at his drawings of monsters of all different kinds. He interrupted me by clearing his throat "Well someone's nosy... What do you think?"

I was impressed. "Where do you come up with these? They're really good." He smiled at my compliment and he said "They just come to me. I just draw."

The teacher walked over to us and greeted Oliver. "Mr. Reed are you going to introduce your friend?" She said while smiling at me. "Ireland this is Mrs. Williams." She shook my hand. "Were right in the middle of a project. So you can just doodle till we start our next lesson on Monday." I wasn't very good at free handing but I loved canvas painting.

The bell rang and Pam came in late giving a lame excuse on why she was tardy. "I forgot my locker combination and I had to go to the office." She whined. Mrs. Williams rolled her eyes, "Pam its the end of the year how do you forget that?" Wow this teacher even sees shes an idiot. I laughed and instantly Pam shot me a deathly look. She approached me and I couldn't help but smirk. This is going to be fun.

"Your in my seat." She stated as a matter-of-factly. I looked at the back of the chair, on the seat, and on the table top. "Well I don't see your name anywhere." I said pretending to be confused. Pissing her off is my new hobby. She glared at me and flagged down Mrs. Williams. "Um she's in my seat." Pam whined. She's really telling on me. I could tell Mrs. Williams was irritated. She calmly said "Ireland is sitting here and you can sit with someone else."

"But I can't see the board if I sit farther away." Oh she was trying hard. Oliver was watching and enjoying this little spat. "Well then buy some glasses and find another seat." Ooh she just roasted your ass. "But I..." Pam got interrupted by Mrs Williams harsh tone, "Sit down and quit disrupting my class." Pam scoffed and finally walked away.

Oliver and I just couldn't contain our laughter anymore. "Is she always so bitchy?" I asked. "Every damn day." He said. Oliver started drawing and was concentrating really hard on his work. His brows furrowed and he looked pensive. He eventually looked up and held his drawing up. He tapped my shoulder and told me to look. It was a simple skull surrounded by a very detailed zentangle.

"That's pretty awesome!" I complimented. "Well I'm glad you like it cause I made it for you." I blushed while folding it and putting it in my purse. The bell finally rang and Oliver sighed with relief. "According to your schedule that was your last class, you can go home now." My face fell when I realized I couldn't spend more time with my new buddy.

We walked down the hall to the main entrance and he walked me out. "Where are you going?" I asked. "We are going on an adventure. But I can't tell you where." He said while smirking. Oh goodness. I hated not knowing things, but I'm sure this would be fun.

We walked to his vehicle. A lifted blacked out Jeep with stickers of band emblems all over. I got in and was instantly not happy that the top was off cause my hair and lots of wind do not get along.

He started it up and off we were. We didn't talk much cause the radio was loud. He tapped the steering wheel like all musicians do, and hummed along to some Avenged Sevenfold song. While I tried my damndest to control my hair the best I could. And I failed miserably. We drove for a while till he killed the engine on a secluded dirt road and looked at me with a huge smile. "You ready for this?" He asked. His excitement was contagious. "I'm ready." I nodded. Not really sure what I was ready for.

It was all trees and he was leading me into them. What the hell? I'm not prepared for a damn hike! After about 10 feet into the woods I noticed a small dirt path. We took the path and it opened up into a large Valley. There was a small river bank about a mile away.

This view was breathtaking. "Its beautiful." I whispered. He opened his arm motioning to the area around him. "Welcome to the Holler" he smiled. A what? "What does that even mean?" I gigled. He looked at me like I was insane. "A holler, you never heard of a holler?!" I shook my head and laughed. "I suppose it what y'all city folk call a valley." He said thickening his southern draw.

"Why did you bring me to the Holler?" I asked "well that's what I'm gonna show you." He said while grabbing my hand. And again we were running.

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